Jul 19, 2012 11:33
12 yrs ago
6 viewers *
French term

Foyer inflammatoire

French to English Medical Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) medical biology
from the article "Les synoviortheses radio-isotopiques: une alternative a l'acide osmique"

Is a foyer inflammatoire a site of inflammation or is this too general for a technical text?
Is it an inflammatory focus? (in the plural inflammatory foci?) When I type in inflammatory focus or foci to google the majority of hits seem to take me to French - English dictionaries. This makes me a bit wary about the currency and accuacy of the term!

NB - I'm still getting the hang of Proz so bear with me while I work out how to do the points bit!
Thanks! :-)

Proposed translations

18 mins

inflammation site

site of inflammation works also

foyer is also used in the French orthopedics world to indicate the site of a fracture

Peer comment(s):

agree Bertrand Leduc
6 mins
agree Michele Lemaire (X)
59 mins
agree S Kelly
4 hrs
thank you
agree SJLD : "site of inflammation" sounds better to me
3 days 19 hrs
thanks S.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 hrs

inflammatory locus, locus of inflammation

Not just to sound more technical. The "locus" refers to the tissues where the inflammation is. The "site of the inflammatory locus" (which you will also see) refers to where it is in the body.:-)
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