Mar 21, 2002 16:08
22 yrs ago
French term

bousulent le regard

Non-PRO French to English Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama cinema
porte sur la realite sociale

talking about film directors

Proposed translations

1 hr

they change your view(s)

or, they change/influence/rock your outlook/perspective
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "i went for 'transform the way we look at' in the end, but this was the best of the suggestions i received."
4 mins

They change the vision

d'après ce que j'ai pu comprendre....
Peer comment(s):

agree Lise Boismenu, B.Sc. : Oui...ou encore revolutionize the vision...
2 hrs
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8 mins

they shake up your way of looking at things

or "people"
Peer comment(s):

agree PaulaMac (X) : Very nice!
2 hrs
agree Lise Boismenu, B.Sc. : Good one too but less formal which might be suited here.
3 hrs
Thank you!
agree Marsha Bindel : This would have been my choice!
2 days 11 hrs
Kind of you! Thanks very much!
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10 mins

shaking up the gaze

le regard is the gaze and not the look

is critical theory et alia

Note added at 2002-03-21 16:21:39 (GMT)

it\'s \"bousculer le regard\" right?
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1 hr

jerk (the) attention onto/to/towards ('bousculer', not 'bousuler', I'm guessing)

or variations, according to style and context, like - 'your attention...', 'one's attention', etc.; but 'jerk' seems to be the right verb because it's an involuntary, spasmodic action.
Other suggestions are:
'tear the/your/one's focus towards...'
'grab attention onto...'
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6 hrs

hustle the glance

another way of saying it?
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14 hrs

(they) shift our point of view/perspective

One more alternative :-

"They shift our point of view/perspective"
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