Jun 9, 2010 14:45
14 yrs ago
14 viewers *
French term

homme trafic

French to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering costing of a building project
I've found this definition but can't find what the term is in English.
Thanks for any help.

Homme-trafic : Il gère les flux entrants et sortants des camions de livraison sur le chantier pour éviter tout accident. Il sécurise le périmètre pour les manoeuvres du camion et les dirige ensuite à l'intérieur du chantier jusqu'à l'aire de déchargement ou de stockage, guide le grutier dans l'approvisionnement.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 traffic guard/controller
3 +2 (construction site) flagger
3 +1 (Site) Traffic Operator
2 banksman


Chris Hall Jun 9, 2010:
Alain... It is definitely not a "lollipop man" in the context of a construction / building site. I believe that it is a "(Site) Traffic Operator".
Alain Pommet (asker) Jun 9, 2010:
Lollipop man Hi Ann, When I went to school, it was the man who helped you across the road. But this is specifically for a building site.
Travelin Ann Jun 9, 2010:
Target country? Alain, I think the UK calls this "lollipop man/person" - the guy who stands with the sign.

Proposed translations

18 hrs

traffic guard/controller

Wikipedia suggests "traffic guard" or alternatively "traffic controller", "flagman" or "flagger" for someone controlling the traffic in realtion to roadworks or at the entrance to a construction site. Flagman or flagger suggests pre modern health and safety legislation times and literally someone waving a red or green flag (or walking in front of the first motor cars). "Traffic guard" or "traffic controller" seem the most appropriate in todays context. Take your pick.
Peer comment(s):

agree axies
2 hrs
Thanks Manuel
agree Jennifer White : I agree that "traffic guard" seems to fit this job spec.
9 hrs
Thanks Jennifer
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I went for traffic controller although probably all the other answers could have been used. In this case, the job seemed more like a lift operator than anything else - vertical traffic. Thanks to everyone."
8 mins

(Site) Traffic Operator

Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : Funny how you can still get away with sexism in French!
1 hr
Many thanks Phil.
neutral Jennifer White : A traffic operator is essentially an admin. office job, as your ref shows.
2 hrs
It is NOT purely an admin. office job, only a small part of it is. The main part is actually being outdoors and directing / operating the traffic.
Something went wrong...
1 hr

(construction site) flagger

This term may be used only in North America. Here are examples:

•Accident. A vehicle struck a construction site flagger at 11:41 a.m. yesterday on Route 208, east of Mercer Street, in Volant. Police

As the rain fell, the 43-year-old construction site flagger kept motorists away from a work crew and the large bucket trucks with flashing emergency lights.


The police details were requested so that construction could ... In April, a flagger was directing traffic through the construction site and filed


Note added at 1 hr (2010-06-09 16:33:47 GMT)

Job description of a flagger here:

Peer comment(s):

agree Travelin Ann : flagman also used in the US, even though there are now female construction workers
4 hrs
Thanks, Ann.
agree GeoS
13 hrs
Thank you, GeoS.
Something went wrong...
17 hrs


This would be an extension of the usual scope of work involved, but it certainly applies to the crane-related aspect.

In British civil engineering, a `banksman` is the skilled person who directs the operation of a crane from the point near where loads are attached and detached.
Found on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banksman

I have seen it used too for the man who guides trucks reversing and other operations where a driver cannot see where he is going.

Note added at 17 hrs (2010-06-10 08:12:56 GMT)

Personally though I'd probably call him "site traffic manager", especially if gérer les flux entrants et sortants des camions is an office/admin. job rather than one that involves standing at the gate and pointing and waving. Use of homme is strange, unless it is an equivalent of our "Mister Traffic".
Note from asker:
Thanks for your answer. It seems that this person is in charge of loading materials on to an external lift for refurbishing an existing office block
Hi no - I've maybe misled people by providing this definition in my question - it was just something I found and not directly connected to the text. The role seems to be one of the lift man controlling the flows up and down this lift
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