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Feb 18, 2013 10:51
12 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term

Bornes de comptage clients

French to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering

These elements are installed in a store :

Antennes antivol/ Bornes de comptage clients

I cannot find the right term for "bornes de comptage"

Thank you



chris collister Feb 18, 2013:
I'm sorry no helpul answers were received, but your question only appeared an hour ago! Since these items are mentioned in the same breath as "antennes antivol" it seems very likely that the same system is keeping a tally of what items are going in and out of the store, and by extension, counting the number of customers, ie a "customer tally terminal/station".

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Pedestrian Counters, Door Counters, Customer Counters, Visitor Counters or Retail Traffic Counters.

these counters have several names as far as I know as discussed in the reference but it is the same thing
Something went wrong...
22 hrs

Footfall counters

Footfall is the term used by retailers for customers through the door
Peer comment(s):

agree Stephen Schwanbeck : Or "customer/people counters" Check out
1 hr
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