Oct 20, 2004 19:36
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

1 pièce/2 pièce

French to English Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng transformers
Nous tiendrons à votre disposition, sur stock, à partir des semaines prochaines (Minimum 4 semaines), des transformateurs dans chacune des puissances suivantes :

-1 pièce
- 2 pièces

Chaque fois que vous désirerez doter une machine, d’un transformateur dans cette gamme en urgence, vous nous enverrez une commande et ce transformateur sera livrable rapidement en France Métropolitaine et systématiquement ce stock sera relancé (Disponible à nouveau sous environ 3 semaines).

I would translate this as "one part/two part" except that it does not suggest a power rating.
Any suggestions?


fcl Oct 21, 2004:
Maybe you find further on in the text what theses "pi�ces" are. Bon courage, en tout cas.
fcl Oct 21, 2004:
"doter" implies it is an equipment, upgrade part, not for repairing purpose, and stockhold type, a special production, not standard equipement. And "chaque fois" that it may be needed repetitively (wears off, one time use or whatever).
fcl Oct 21, 2004:
"machine" should be a production tool of some kind. "transformateur" can also be a mechanical adapter, not only a, electrical transformer.
Non-ProZ.com Oct 21, 2004:
Good thinking Fran�ois - but they have not told me what kind of machinery is involved;

Proposed translations

27 mins
French term (edited): 1 pi�ce/2 pi�ce

see comment below...

Perhaps I'm being supremely dense, but I'm afraid this makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me; I've never heard a power rating (or any other kind for that matter) expressed this way.

It seems to me there is some text missing, and the words 1 pièce / 2 pièces should be referring to the QUANTITY of each such transformer currently avilable; in this context in English, we too would probably say '1 pce' or '1 off'

I remain firmly convinced that you have some missing text here, Mark

Note added at 3 hrs 34 mins (2004-10-20 23:10:19 GMT)

There could be many other interpretations invented for \'1/2 part\' transformers (split bobbins, split or tapped windings, etc.), but all of them would be using \'pièces\' in a very \'creative\' way, and in view of the very fact that lead time for re-stocking is mentioned, I am more than ever convinced this is just the qty available.
Peer comment(s):

agree Bourth (X) : Exactly what I was going to say. Still, if they are sending the letter to many customers, they'd need more than a few off, or soon be out of stock!
14 mins
Thanks, Alex! Note the way they state the lead-time, as if they EXPECT that to happen...
agree Fox76 (X) : power indication is missing, only quantities are shown
23 mins
Thanks, Fox!
agree PRen (X)
24 mins
Thanks, Paula!
agree sarahl (X)
1 hr
Thanks, Sarah!
agree Gayle Wallimann : I've had clients do that, they only include the text that they want translated, trying to save a penny or two when they know a rate would be the same in both languages...
1 hr
Thanks, Gayle! And I've had quite a few who just forgot to put it in... :-)
agree chaplin
1 hr
Thanks, Ségolène!
agree Gabo Pena : yep, sounds like it!
2 hrs
Thanks, Bo!
agree David Goward
8 hrs
Thanks, David!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Dusty"
9 mins
French term (edited): 1 pi�ce/2 pi�ce

one-part, two-part

beg to differ: the number of parts does suggest a power rating to me. the correct French would be monome and binome, though.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : I must say I've never heard of 'part' being used as a power rating in English -- can you give us any more information, please, Sarah? // I think I see: 'binôme' means mathematical 'power' in the sense of '10 to the power of 3', for example... [binomial]
19 mins
that's what my lexique électro-technique suggests, Dusty. the -part business would mean that a one-part apparatus would have twice the rating of the smaller part. my confidence level is low anyway.
neutral PRen (X) : I'm with Dusty - cannot find ''two-part transformers'' or ''binomial'' or ''monomial'' transformers anywhere
41 mins
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11 mins

1 phase 2 phase


Note added at 3 hrs 21 mins (2004-10-20 22:57:17 GMT)

I know only of single phase and three-phase transformers.

how about primary and secondary?

Peer comment(s):

disagree Tony M : I can see no justification for assumig that 'pièce' = 'phase', and in any case, a 2-phase transformer is an unlikely beast indeed!
16 mins
well yeah! I've never heard of it but I'm just an amateur fixing my guitar amps and recording gear...
Something went wrong...
9 hrs
French term (edited): 1 pi�ce/2 pi�ce

1 room / 2 rooms

maybe (see rating!) For instance to power 1 room / 2 rooms rated air-conditionning... What kind of machines is it ?
Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : Now THAT's the kind of lateral thinking we need more of on KudoZ! Bravo, François! Can't honestly see it being very likely, though --- BUT YOU NEVER KNOW :-)) /// Better than being 'triphasé' !!
1 hr
Thanks Dusty. I am neutral too :-)
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