Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

relève client

English translation:

meter reading

Added to glossary by DB-9
May 21, 2012 11:25
12 yrs ago
6 viewers *
French term

relève client

Non-PRO French to English Bus/Financial Energy / Power Generation gas bill

This term appears as part of the legend on a gas bill graph, as follows:
· relève
· estimationdistributeur
· estimationfournisseur
· relève client

Does anybody know what this means in this context?

Many thanks!
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Nikki Scott-Despaigne May 21, 2012:
Reading I agree with Polyglot.
Relevé : meter read by GDF
Relevé client : client has read the meter and transferred the reading to GDF
Estimation : gas consumption estimated, not read at the meter, such reading based on previous year's consumption for the same period

If the person is wth GDF, which is more than likely.

My current gas bill online gives the following terminology :

Gaz naturel (en kWh)

auto relevé (=client reading)
relevé distributeur (=meter read by GDF)
estimation (=estimation based on previous year)
polyglot45 May 21, 2012:
relève (or usually relevé) is reading the meter and I suppose relevé client is when the client reads the meter himself, fills in a card and sends it to the gas company

Proposed translations

34 mins

meter reading

meter reading

Can be done either by the technician, a couple of times a year generally, or by the client (relevé client). It is common to receive estimated readings in order to invoice without going to the trouble of reading the meters with estimated bills. At the end of a given period, a year, an annual statement sums the whole thing up.,CASE...

"Your annual statement

How is my annual statement worked out?
We look back over the last year and work out your statement using:

The number of kilowatts hours (kWh's) you've used
The unit cost of your current tariff

We use actual meter readings taken over the last 12 months. If there are missing readings, we work out an average, based on the ones we have got. We also take into account the time of year, for example, most people use more energy in January than August.
Had a few estimated bills?
For more accurate bills, we need regular meter readings, submit a meter reading online.
If you want to look at your energy consumption, payments, bills and meter readings in more detail, you can register for an online account now."
Peer comment(s):

agree Philippa Smith : We always have to do ours as EDF don't dare brave our (2-km hole-ridden) track!
1 hr
neutral Tony M : Not wrong, of course, as you have so well explained! However, the translation does need to explicitly reflect that it is the customer's own reading.
3 hrs
agree Salih YILDIRIM
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much for your help"
2 hrs

Customer receipt

Peer comment(s):

disagree Tony M : 'relevé' in the context of a gas bill is a 'meter reading', not a receipt.
51 mins
disagree B D Finch : As Tony says, this is a meter reading.
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

customer's (own) reading

It means that the customer has read their own meter and then sent in the figures to the Gas Board; better than an estimate, but still not as trustworthy as if the meter reader does it.
Peer comment(s):

neutral polyglot45 : why is ot not as trustworthy? I've read my own meter and copied down the figures. Where's the big deal?
1 min
No, that was tongue-in-cheek, I just mean GDF don't trust us to read our own meters! I've been reading mine for donkey's years, never a slip...
agree B D Finch
3 hrs
Thanks, B! How are you doing? :-)
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

25 mins

From GDF Dolce Vita site

Qui fait le relevé des compteurs ?
• C’est un technicien du gestionnaire du réseau de distribution (GrDF pour le gaz naturel etERDF pour l’électricité) qui passe à votre domicile pour faire un relevé de vos compteurs.

Le relevé est effectué 2 fois par an.

Si vous êtes mensualisé, un seul de ces 2 relevés sera pris en compte pour établir votre facture annuelle.

Lire la suite...
A noter : il est obligatoire que le technicien puisse accéder à votre compteur au moins 1 fois par an.

Si le relevé de votre compteur n’a pas pu être réalisé depuis 1 an, un rendez-vous sera fixé à vos frais.


• Mise à jour le 19/01/2011
Contacter un conseiller par e-mail
Entre deux relevés, comment relever moi-même mon compteur de gaz naturel pour ne plus avoir de facture sur consommation estimée ?
• En choisissant le service en ligne gratuit M@ Relève !

Entre 2 passages du technicien, vous recevez un e-mail vous informant que vous pouvez nous transmettre votre relevé.
Il vous suffit ensuite de noter les chiffres inscrits sur fond noir. Les chiffres sur fond rouge ne doivent pas être pris en compte.

Lire la suite...
o Par exemple, le relevé est ici 06911.
Vous pouvez souscrire gratuitement ce service si vous n’êtes pas mensualisé et si vous recevez plus de 2 factures par an.

A noter : le relevé en ligne n’est pas encore disponible pour l’électricité.

Vous pouvez aussi transmettre les index de votre compteur par téléphone en appelant le service clients au 09 69 324 324 (appel non surtaxé) ou au 00 33 2 38 52 85 70 (depuis l’étranger).
Afin que nous puissions prendre en compte ce relevé, pensez à nous le transmettre 10 jours avant l’émission de votre prochaine facture estimée.
Cette date est indiquée sur le recto de votre dernière facture sous l’intitulé « Prochaine facture ».

Note added at 28 mins (2012-05-21 11:54:15 GMT)

Cross this info with the previous set :,CAS...

Meter readings
Browse our frequently asked questions:
How do I read my meter?
How often should I read my meter?
How do you use my meter reading?
What happens if I can't give you a meter reading?
My bill is estimated but I'd like to give my own reading
Why did I get an estimated bill?
Where is my bill?
Meter box key request
I've just had my meter exchanged, why have my account details not updated?
Submitting your meter reading by text message
How to submit your meter reading

Note added at 29 mins (2012-05-21 11:55:26 GMT)

Together with :,CASE...

Understanding your bill
Browse our frequently asked questions:
How do I find out how much I owe?
Why is my bill so high?
What if I think my bill is wrong?
How to request a copy of your bill
Where is my bill?
What is Economy 7
I've just had my meter exchanged, why have my account details not updated?
Staying Connected Energy Consumer Checklist
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Philippa Smith
1 hr
agree Tony M
3 hrs
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