Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

Passer le fardeau

English translation:

transfer the burden, shift the burden

Added to glossary by Silvia Brandon-Pérez
Jan 7, 2007 09:45
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

Passer le fardeau

Non-PRO French to English Other Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Je cherche l'équivalent anglais de cette expression.


Williamson (asker) Jan 7, 2007:
Part of list It is part of a list. I have a hunch that the meaning is to pass the responsibility/burden to someone else, saddle someone else with a chore.
writeaway Jan 7, 2007:
how is it used in your text-or is it just part of a list ?

Proposed translations

8 hrs

transfer the burden, shift the burden

Another possibility, which does not necessarily imply 'shirking' of responsibility.

You effectively transfer the burden of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance from your firm to the vendor who provides software on demand.

Abstract: As the economic burden of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) increases in sub-Saharan Africa, allocation of the burden among levels and sectors of society is changing. The private sector has more scope to avoid the economic burden of AIDS than governments, households, or nongovernmental organizations, and the burden is being systematically shifted away from the private sector. Common practices that transfer the burden to households and government include pre-employment screening, reductions in employee benefits, restructured employment contracts, outsourcing of low skilled jobs, selective retrenchments, and changes in production technologies. - 26k

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
6 mins

pass the buck

one option
Peer comment(s):

neutral Malik Beytek (X) : Only curious - a question for all: How would one say, in French "The buck stops here!". Could one make a sentence like "Voici arret le fardeau!"? Or should it be plain and simple: "Le fardeau arret ici!"
34 mins
neutral CMJ_Trans (X) : answer to Malik: apart from your grammatical mistakes in French, your attempts show that you should NEVER translate expressions literally but think more what an actual native would say under similar circumstances....
45 mins
agree writeaway : @ Malik-why neutral an answer by asking a question in a different direction?
47 mins
agree Carol Gullidge : a good idiomatic expression. It MAY not be an exact equivalent, (you only have a 'hunch' about the meaning), but there very rarely IS an exact equivalence with idiomatic metaphor
4 hrs
agree wolmix
5 hrs
neutral ormiston : to me to pass the buck means to shirk the responsibility for something
7 hrs
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