May 12, 2010 16:50
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term

rapport sinistres à primes annuel

French to English Bus/Financial Insurance Risk analysis
Good afternoon/evenign,

I am stuck on the translation for the above term found in context below; it falls under the categortry of:
- Résiliation après sinistre:

"Dans ce cas, l'assureur ne pourra user de la faculté de résiliation ou de réduction de part pour autant que le rapport sinistres à primes annuel est supérieur à 100 %..

Thanks for your help with this.



p.s I came with all of it but am not sure of the exact UK term for the above. ["...annual premiums claim report.." ?

Proposed translations

2 mins

ratio of claims to annual premiums

rapport = ratio – as long as the ratio of claims to annual premiums is greater than 100%

Note added at 19 hrs (2010-05-13 12:46:12 GMT)

As per Eric's comment, it's the annual ratio of claims to premiums paid. Or, as rkillings put it much more neatly, the (annual) claims ratio.
Note from asker:
Good afternoon Rob..that sounds dynamite..Thanks a lot.
Hello Gents....I thought so, but despite that my friend Olivier didn't even notice it ...Thank you.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : I think it should be "annuels".
1 hr
Indeed it should - thanks
agree Jack Dunwell
2 hrs
disagree EricBT : "Annuel" refers to the ratio, not to the premiums. The ratio can also be calculated on a monthly basis, hence "annuel". (Otherwise, it would be "annuelles".)
19 hrs
You're right, of course: otherwise it would be "annuelles"
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thaks again for your hlep Rob!@"
2 hrs

The correlation between payouts and insurance premiums

See website below.
Note from asker:
Hi Hazel..thanks for the help...
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14 hrs

claims ratio

Bog-standard. "The claims ratios is claims payable as a percentage of premium income. This is the equivalent of gross profit margin for an insurance business. An insurer's investment income is also part of its core business so the comparison with gross profit is not exact.
The loss ratio is similar, but is sometimes defined subtly different as claims paid (rather than payable).
The claims ratio can be combined with the expense ratio to produce the combined ratio."
Note also that the usual translation of 'primes' in this context is "premium income".
Note from asker:
Thanks for your input.
Peer comment(s):

agree cmwilliams (X)
3 hrs
agree EricBT : Other reference: SCOR Annual Report in French for the definition of Rapport Sinistres à Primes and the same in English for Claims Ratio.
5 hrs
agree Rob Grayson
5 hrs
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