Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
English translation:
for the record, for your information, TBA (to be announced)
Added to glossary by
Jul 7, 2012 21:21
12 yrs ago
62 viewers *
French term
French to English
Law (general)
Inheritance law
I know there are plenty of translations for the word mémoire but what does it mean in this context?
It's a bill for legal fees:
Droit de correspondance 38.00 €
Droit de papeterie € 23,00
Photocopies Etude € 100,00
Gross ***Mémoire***
Signification ***Mémoire***"
The word mémoire appearing in the cost column under the amounts in euros.
I'm SURE it CAN'T be free of charge...
Any suggestions most welcome - thanks in advance
It's a bill for legal fees:
Droit de correspondance 38.00 €
Droit de papeterie € 23,00
Photocopies Etude € 100,00
Gross ***Mémoire***
Signification ***Mémoire***"
The word mémoire appearing in the cost column under the amounts in euros.
I'm SURE it CAN'T be free of charge...
Any suggestions most welcome - thanks in advance
Proposed translations
3 +2 | for the record, for your information |
Nikki Scott-Despaigne
![]() |
5 | bill of costs |
Gurudutt Kamath
![]() |
4 | brief |
cc in nyc
![]() |
4 | conclusions |
Nikki Scott-Despaigne
![]() |
3 | case file/case paper |
![]() |
3 -1 | memoir |
bowse123 (X)
![]() |
Signification Mémoire |
![]() |
Proposed translations
13 hrs
French term (edited):
pour (?) mémoire
for the record, for your information
In context, I think I have been completemy missing the point here. If I am right with this second suggestion, then we have all been missing the point!
You term appear in the column concerning the cost.
"mémoire" is probably short for "pour mémoire" here, in which case, it means for your information, for the record, something along those lines.
Nothing at all, but nothing at all to do with conclusions and so on. Barking up the wrong tree totally... I think?! ;-)))
Note added at 13 hrs (2012-07-08 11:02:43 GMT)
Might also be translated as "TBA" (to be announced), "to follow" if they have not yet been invoiced as the engrossment and various other documents still remain to be filed, ldoged and/or invoiced (or indeed have been already), which ties in with wat others have suggested already.
You term appear in the column concerning the cost.
"mémoire" is probably short for "pour mémoire" here, in which case, it means for your information, for the record, something along those lines.
Nothing at all, but nothing at all to do with conclusions and so on. Barking up the wrong tree totally... I think?! ;-)))
Note added at 13 hrs (2012-07-08 11:02:43 GMT)
Might also be translated as "TBA" (to be announced), "to follow" if they have not yet been invoiced as the engrossment and various other documents still remain to be filed, ldoged and/or invoiced (or indeed have been already), which ties in with wat others have suggested already.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "I actually used TBA which fits admirably. Will add a comment if I get flack from the client..."
35 mins
1 hr
case file/case paper
only in this context
Note added at 1 hr (2012-07-07 23:10:01 GMT)
case papers
Note added at 1 hr (2012-07-07 23:10:01 GMT)
case papers
Note from asker:
Yes, but the word "mémoire" appears under the column listing the costs that are going to be charged to the lawyer's clients. The other amounts are in euros. How much does "mémoire" represent? |
2 hrs
In the legal context...
1) n. a written legal argument, usually in a format prescribed by the courts, stating the legal reasons for the suit based on statutes, regulations, case precedents, legal texts, and reasoning applied to facts in the particular situation. [...]
1) n. a written legal argument, usually in a format prescribed by the courts, stating the legal reasons for the suit based on statutes, regulations, case precedents, legal texts, and reasoning applied to facts in the particular situation. [...]
Note from asker:
Thanks, cc, I know this but do not understand how it fits in a bill of costs. |
4 hrs
bill of costs
Bill of costs or detailed expenses. Memoire is referring to mémoire de frais. See references.
Note added at 4 hrs (2012-07-08 01:57:14 GMT)
Gross would refer to Gross expenses or Gross Bill of Costs. Signification -- as per my research on the Web -- refers to Service in the legal context. So Signfication Memoire refers to Service Expenses or Bill of Costs for Service.
Note added at 4 hrs (2012-07-08 01:57:14 GMT)
Gross would refer to Gross expenses or Gross Bill of Costs. Signification -- as per my research on the Web -- refers to Service in the legal context. So Signfication Memoire refers to Service Expenses or Bill of Costs for Service.
Note from asker:
Thanks, Gurudutt, but a grosse in this context is an authentic copy and signification is the notification (of the summons or other) so, in a bill of costs, under the column for the costs in euros, how much does "mémoire" represent? |
2 hrs
Un "mémoire" est un document écrit adressé à une autorité, voire à une juridiction, pour exposer une situation et faire valoir des moyens juridiques destinés à l'obtention d'un droit ou d'un avantage en relation avec la situation qui y a été exposée.
Les avocats à la Cour de Cassation ne déposent pas des "conclusions" mais des "mémoires".
Textes :
CPC, art. 978 et s.
Article 978 En savoir plus sur cet article...
Modifié par Décret n°2010-1647 du 28 décembre 2010 - art. 15
A peine de déchéance constatée par ordonnance du premier président ou de son délégué, le demandeur en cassation doit, au plus tard dans le délai de quatre mois à compter du pourvoi, remettre au greffe de la Cour de cassation un mémoire contenant les moyens de droit invoqués contre la décision attaquée. Le mémoire doit, sous la même sanction, être notifié dans le même délai aux avocats des autres parties. Si le défendeur n'a pas constitué avocat, le mémoire doit lui être signifié au plus tard dans le mois suivant l'expiration de ce délai ; cependant, si, entre-temps, le défendeur constitue avocat avant la signification du mémoire, il est procédé par voie de notification à son avocat.
A peine d'être déclaré d'office irrecevable un moyen ou un élément de moyen ne doit mettre en oeuvre qu'un seul cas d'ouverture. Chaque moyen ou chaque élément de moyen doit préciser, sous la même sanction :
- le cas d'ouverture invoqué ;
- la partie critiquée de la décision ;
- ce en quoi celle-ci encourt le reproche allégué.
Note added at 2 hrs (2012-07-07 23:22:31 GMT)
You might even consider using the French term in italics.
Note added at 12 hrs (2012-07-08 10:08:07 GMT)
Hello Sue,
Sorry, I had misunderstood your question asking what "mémoire" means in this context. If I understand you rightly now, then it is not a translation question at all, rather a sort of why and wherefor question.
If what you really need to know is what it is doing in a bill of costs, then you need to contact your client to find out.
Maybe there is an ethical requirement to list everything that is done in the procédure whether invoiced or not. Maybe they forgot to charge for these two particular items. In either event, you can only obtain a sure answer from the client.
Note added at 13 hrs (2012-07-08 10:48:48 GMT)
Hang on a minute. I think I may have missed something...
You say the word "mémoire" appears in the column under the amount with the price. I think I've been missing the point entirely! Sorry!!!
In this case, this may actually be meaning "POUR mémoire".
Note added at 13 hrs (2012-07-08 10:49:30 GMT)
Pour mémoire, : for the record, for your information.
Un "mémoire" est un document écrit adressé à une autorité, voire à une juridiction, pour exposer une situation et faire valoir des moyens juridiques destinés à l'obtention d'un droit ou d'un avantage en relation avec la situation qui y a été exposée.
Les avocats à la Cour de Cassation ne déposent pas des "conclusions" mais des "mémoires".
Textes :
CPC, art. 978 et s.
Article 978 En savoir plus sur cet article...
Modifié par Décret n°2010-1647 du 28 décembre 2010 - art. 15
A peine de déchéance constatée par ordonnance du premier président ou de son délégué, le demandeur en cassation doit, au plus tard dans le délai de quatre mois à compter du pourvoi, remettre au greffe de la Cour de cassation un mémoire contenant les moyens de droit invoqués contre la décision attaquée. Le mémoire doit, sous la même sanction, être notifié dans le même délai aux avocats des autres parties. Si le défendeur n'a pas constitué avocat, le mémoire doit lui être signifié au plus tard dans le mois suivant l'expiration de ce délai ; cependant, si, entre-temps, le défendeur constitue avocat avant la signification du mémoire, il est procédé par voie de notification à son avocat.
A peine d'être déclaré d'office irrecevable un moyen ou un élément de moyen ne doit mettre en oeuvre qu'un seul cas d'ouverture. Chaque moyen ou chaque élément de moyen doit préciser, sous la même sanction :
- le cas d'ouverture invoqué ;
- la partie critiquée de la décision ;
- ce en quoi celle-ci encourt le reproche allégué.
Note added at 2 hrs (2012-07-07 23:22:31 GMT)
You might even consider using the French term in italics.
Note added at 12 hrs (2012-07-08 10:08:07 GMT)
Hello Sue,
Sorry, I had misunderstood your question asking what "mémoire" means in this context. If I understand you rightly now, then it is not a translation question at all, rather a sort of why and wherefor question.
If what you really need to know is what it is doing in a bill of costs, then you need to contact your client to find out.
Maybe there is an ethical requirement to list everything that is done in the procédure whether invoiced or not. Maybe they forgot to charge for these two particular items. In either event, you can only obtain a sure answer from the client.
Note added at 13 hrs (2012-07-08 10:48:48 GMT)
Hang on a minute. I think I may have missed something...
You say the word "mémoire" appears in the column under the amount with the price. I think I've been missing the point entirely! Sorry!!!
In this case, this may actually be meaning "POUR mémoire".
Note added at 13 hrs (2012-07-08 10:49:30 GMT)
Pour mémoire, : for the record, for your information.
Note from asker:
Thanks, Nikki, I understand what a mémoire is (thanks anyway for the extra info) but what does it mean in a bill of costs? It must refer to a price or to a place where the price can be found or is included. The context is my problem. |
Reference comments
1 hr
Signification Mémoire
"A défaut de remise ou de signification du mémoire dans le délai prévu à l'alinéa 1er de l'article 978, la déchéance est constatée par ordonnance du premier président ou de son délégué."
Also means that "grosse" and "signification" do not relate necessarily to conclusions for example but to other documents which have been filed also.
At least this is the interpretation provided in the kudoz answer (French-> German) mentioned above.
Is "Gross" possibly a family name? (already asked by Daryo)
BTW, you probably should have posted two questions. With two terms, it will get sticky when posting a glossary entry.
-- la grosse (d'un mémoire) - but that doesn't make much sense as "la grosse" can refer only to a final decision ("exécutoire")
Cette formule dont le texte résulte des dispositions du décret n°47-1047 du 12 juin 1947, contient un ordre adressé aux forces de l'ordre d'avoir à prêter main forte à l'huissier qui, à la demande de la partie qui a eu gain de cause, est chargé par ce dernier de procéder à des actes d'exécution sur les biens du débiteur.
Le nom de "grosse" proviendrait de ce qu'à l'époque où les documents de justice étaient rédigés avec une plume d'oie, les commis des Greffiers et des Notaires étaient payés au rôle, de sorte que leur rémunération étaient d'autant plus élevée que la copie était longue. Ils avaient donc tout intérêt à écrire en grosses lettres. On parlait alors d'" écritures grossoyées".
Voir les mots : "Brevet", "Copie", Expédition", "Minute" et "Notaire".