Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

quinte blush

English translation:

smartish polish? straight blush?

Added to glossary by MatthewLaSon
Oct 20, 2008 13:29
16 yrs ago
French term

quinte blush

French to English Marketing Marketing advertising, marketing
make up advertising:
"un vernis sage? quinte blush? sois belle et plais toi"...
Change log

Oct 20, 2008 13:55: Gayle Wallimann changed "Visibility" from "Visible" to "Squashed"

Oct 20, 2008 13:56: Gayle Wallimann changed "Visibility" from "Squashed" to "Visible"

Oct 20, 2008 14:24: writeaway changed "Field" from "Art/Literary" to "Marketing"

Oct 25, 2008 15:36: MatthewLaSon Created KOG entry

Oct 25, 2008 15:37: MatthewLaSon changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/35643">MatthewLaSon's</a> old entry - "quinte blush"" to ""smartish polish, straight blush,""


Sasha Barral-Robinson (asker) Oct 20, 2008:
Well, thanks everyone, with those comments I have managed to understand the text: vernis sage/vernissage, quinte blush/quinte flush, and sois belle et plais toi/sois belle et tais toi! They are all a play on words with a mixture of impertinence and cheeky "chic", like the style guide was implying, and not direclty related to each other.
Simon Mountifield Oct 20, 2008:
Erm, scratch my comment about the apple - I see what you mean now about the play on words, "vernis-sage", etc. That's Monday for you! Don't you love those creative marketing / advertising types...
Simon Mountifield Oct 20, 2008:
I initially thought of a pun on "quinte flush" - a straight flush in poker, but I don't see the connection. Otherwise, a quinte is a type of red-skinned apple, so maybe it's referring to a particular shade of blusher?
Sasha Barral-Robinson (asker) Oct 20, 2008:
This quote is used to show the chic but impertent/cheeky tone that should be used in communication. It is part of a description in the graphic charter. This is probably a play on words lundy. Quinte is a flush in poker, does that help?
lundy Oct 20, 2008:
I can see a play on words here between un vernis sage and a vernissage (private viewing) which would fall in with the play on "soit belle et plais (tais) toi". Could "quinte blush" be a play on "can't blush????"
Sasha Barral-Robinson (asker) Oct 20, 2008:
No, it's advertising make-up in general.
carolynf Oct 20, 2008:
is this referring specifically to nail varnish?

Proposed translations

10 hrs

smartish polish, straight blush,


My try... it's hard to do...

quinte blush = straight blush (based on "straight flush")

The play on words is just for fun (marketing technique, as you know LOL)

I hope this helps.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you"
1 hr

an authentic bloom

Since vernis/sage is a play on words and "quinte" is a flush in poker I looked for a play on words there, with no result yet worth mentioning...
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16 hrs

apple-red blush powder

"Quinte" is a type of apple with a bright red "blush". So there's the play on words. Please refer to website. Just another thought - could it have anything to do with the fact that blush powder is applied to the "apple" of the cheek???

Note added at 17 hrs (2008-10-21 07:03:02 GMT)

Whoops! I realise now it should be "apple-red blush". Forget the powder!
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