Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

part de contribution

English translation:


Added to glossary by cmwilliams (X)
Jul 26, 2010 15:38
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

part de contribution

French to English Other Marketing
According to its terms and conditions, a particular website allows singers to post their material and potentially receive financial support from internet users. It also allows internet users to "contribuer éventuellement au lancement et au développement d'Artistes par l'achat de *parts de contribution*". Any suggestions gratefully considered.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 share(s)
3 Contribution shares
Change log

Aug 2, 2010 13:05: cmwilliams (X) Created KOG entry


Sarah Russell (asker) Jul 27, 2010:
Wendy, this is exactly what is involved. New singers can post their material on the website and if internet users like what they hear, they can purchase these "parts de contribution" to help promote the singer. Still not sure how to translate it though if anyone has any further ideas ....?
Wendy Cummings Jul 26, 2010:
I wasn't suggesting shares as an answer (hence why I didn't post it) just putting forward the idea as a sort of explanation of the situation. Why does it sound unlikely? A new artist needs funds to get established, and so gets sponsorship from users of the website, in return for a share of any profits he makes on, say, his first album?
Jack Dunwell Jul 26, 2010:
Sounds very dodgy And most unlikely. "Shares"
Wendy Cummings Jul 26, 2010:
It sounds like they can purchase a sort of stakeholding in the singer - purchasing shares in return for a share of her profits, as it were!

Proposed translations

7 hrs


"Part" sounds rather odd, but if you do decide to use it I would put it in inverted commas. I believe its use on the Sellaband site may be a direct translation from German or Dutch.

Sellaband, the “crowdfunding” site for musicians, is bankrupt, according to one of its co-founders and a minority investor in the company, Pim Betist. He told a Dutch newspaper that the service, which allowed members to invest in artists by buying shares in future recordings, “made some bad choices” ...
Once an artist had raised $50,000 through the sale of “parts” or shares, the service would help find a recording studio, producer, etc. to help with the production of the CD.

The hip-hop act are selling shares in their next album to help ... To achieve this, they are using the Amsterdam-based website Sellaband. ...

You may recall that SellaBand is a service that lets music fans take a stake in their favorite artists in order to help fund their record. Once enough shares have been purchased ($50,000), then an artist gets to head off to the studio and make an album.

Peer comment(s):

agree Melissa McMahon
28 mins
Thanks, Melissa.
agree Chris Hall
2 hrs
Thanks, Chris.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much. "Share" seems fine and I actually found a crowdfunding website called ArtistShare :-)"
25 mins

Contribution shares

through the purchase of Contribution shares

We show this below with a numerical example: Unit contribution Market share (as per any Normalization of base product selected choice rule) factor =100 ...
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