Jul 6, 2010 18:16
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term


French to English Medical Medical (general) storing and stock of medi
Good evening

I am still translating a text on the storage of stock for operating theatres. I would be grateful for any help with this word, in the following context:

L'arsenal du bloc opératoire


Historiquement, le dimensionnement de la zone de stockage [storage area] avait été établi avec un nombre restreint [limited] de références, sans pouvoir se douter que le non-tissé devrait se trouver dans l'arsenal. Tous les produits référencés depuis sont venus s'ajouter sans refonte de la zone de stockage....

Could I just translate this as "equipment" or "range of equipment"?

Thank you for any help here.

Liz Askew
DE Zeughaus


meirs Jul 7, 2010:
Arsenal metaphor Arsenal is used IMHO to hint/allude that these are "weapons" to fight "diseases", "maladies", etc., all the latter being considered as "the enemy". "armamentarium" is/does the same. Maybe you can squeeze in the double meaning of "the front".
Gene Selkov Jul 7, 2010:
"armamentarium" may still be suitable It seems like the word is used to mean "everything available" (things or not), and in that it overlaps both with "arsenal" and "inventory". Take a look at this heading:

liz askew (asker) Jul 7, 2010:
Hello, here is another example of "arsenal":
Aujourd'hui, il existe un grand nombre de références qui ont un stock tampon trop important par rapport a leurs réelles consommations dans l'environnement du bloc, ce qui lese le volume globale du stock au niveau de l'arsenal et limite la libération d'espace libre pour d'autres produits. Le calcul des niveaux de stocks n'est pas harmonisé au niveau des produits, certains produits sont livrés a l'arsenal tous les jours, d'autres non.
How does "armamentarium" work here? Seriously, I was thinking along the lines of "storage facility".

Proposed translations

13 mins


This is really the word that comes to mind when I see "found in ..."
Peer comment(s):

agree Joanne Archambault : that's the word that didn't quite come to my mind...
14 mins
agree philgoddard
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you! This fitted best in my translation. Although I could not use "inventory" each time, sometimes I had to use "storage area"..."
7 mins


could use this word... but nothing wrong with using "range" IMO
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7 mins


In the sense given by Concise Oxford
"resources of anything compared with weapons (eg abuse) regarded collectively"
thus weapons for attacking illness...medecines
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13 mins


The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution ...

Note added at 14 mins (2010-07-06 18:30:52 GMT)

The armamentarium and replacement instruments have to be sterile and ready to ... The operating room must be easy to clean. Smooth surfaces on cabinets, ...
Note from asker:
Kindly see my comment in discussion box. I am confused here.
Peer comment(s):

agree Lionel_M (X)
2 hrs
Thank you Lionel.
agree Alex Desbons : Armamentarium is the appropriate word.
6 hrs
Thank you Alex.
agree mimi 254
13 hrs
Thank you.
agree Gene Selkov : Asked a surgeon friend how common it is: "Gene I use a lot of words other's don't routinely use -- sometimes appropriately, sometimes not. Armamentarium is definitely an OK one. Wouldn't hesitate a moment to use it."
17 hrs
Thank you Gene.
agree Cetacea
17 hrs
Thank you.
neutral Joanne Archambault : sounds too much like war to me... a surgical suite isn't a war zone...
1 day 9 hrs
Maybe Joanne but so does arsenal in French and that is the word used.
Something went wrong...
47 mins

store / storehouse /storage facilities

I would use in this case.
Note from asker:
Seriously, I thought this was "storage facility". see; Le calcul des niveaux de stocks n'est pas harmonisé au niveau des produits, certains produits sont livrés a l'arsenal tous les joursa, d'autres non.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Cetacea : "Arsenal" does not refer to where things are stored, but to the things that are being stored.
16 hrs
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

6 mins

DE Zeughaus

Just for reference - it literally means "tool house" (the other house was where they kept the gunpowder).
So arsenal is a metaphor for a *collection of tools*
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