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Oct 17, 2011 11:52
13 yrs ago
25 viewers *
French term

organisme de rattachement en cas de dispense d’avance des frais

French to English Medical Medical (general)
On a French Treatment Form (feuille de soins), there's a little box:
code de l’organisme de rattachement en cas de dispense d’avance des frais (à remplir par le médecin)

My lousy attempt:
code of body to which physician is attached in case of waiver of advance fees (to be completed by the physician)

Proposed translations (English)
4 patient's reffered health insurance agency.


Nikki Scott-Despaigne Oct 17, 2011:
Valid point The 'organisme de rattachement' would appear to concern the patient and the "centre de rattachement' would appear to concern the medical professional : cf. scn for "rattachement" in this doc :
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Oct 17, 2011:
See ref below in relevant section The Centre de rattachement is a regional/departmental affair. See notes below. The thing about not having to pay up front means that depedning on the set-up the patient has, the level of cover to which he is entitled, there ay be no need to pay the doctor up front ... the whole idea behind the Carte Vitale... and/or in the event of the person having a CMU cover, a special regime for those with reduced means.
SJLD Oct 17, 2011:
It's nothing to do with "advance fees". The doctor (or hospital) does her (its) bit. Then normally she (it) sends the bill to the patient who pays, then requests reimbursement from the health fund. "En cas de dispense d’avance des frais" means there is an agreement between the doctor/hospital and the health fund for direct billing of the health fund. Under no circumstances is the doctor/hospital paid in advance.
philgoddard Oct 17, 2011:
"In case of waiver of advance fees" is a bit awkward because "of" is repeated. "If advance fees are waived" would be better.
Marc Rizkallah (asker) Oct 17, 2011:
That's how I understand it SJLD - but doesn't the term "insuring body", or "insuring organization" fit?
SJLD Oct 17, 2011:
In France it's a little different, since there is a national health insurance system, but there are various organisations/agencies (e.g. mutuelles) that manage your contributions.
Marc Rizkallah (asker) Oct 17, 2011:
Ok - so "organisme de rattachement" refers to the insurance company, or "insuring body"? Certainly fits the context... thanks.
SJLD Oct 17, 2011:
Don't you think maybe it's the patient's health insurance provider that is involved here, and that it's about the patient not having to pay the doctor directly?

Proposed translations

1 day 8 hrs

patient's reffered health insurance agency.

In france CPAM is the health insurance service. in each department there is one or several agencys .Example :for PARIS we have CPAM 75, for paris 5e arrondissement CPAM N° 251 ( code = 251).With our CARTE VITALE"the social security card" we benefit from tiers payant, then we haven't to advance the sum of consultation for the doctor.
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Reference comments

3 hrs

departmental attachement centre

Here is a sample « feuille de soins » :
Here are the instructions provided to doctors on how to send the form electronically :
The « organisme de rattachement » does concern the patient, but the doctor is the one who fills in this part of the form. It is referring to the basic compulsory cover, not the complimentary “mutuelle”, thus to the CPAM, MSA etc (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie, Mutuelle Sociale Agricol… which in spite of its name is in fact the compulsory organism administrating compulsory cover for the agricultural domain. For the CPAM, there are administrative centre to which a person is affiliated, divided up initially according to a department. I used to be affiliated to the CPAM du Morbihan but am now affiliated to the CPAM d’Indre et Loire, at least I am when I do work on a salaried basis! - Teletransmission.p...
« Quelques définitions :
Il existe en France plusieurs régimes obligatoires appelés Grands Régimes (CPAM, MSA, RAM,
etc.) auxquels sont attribués des codes (respectivement 01, 02, 03, etc.)
Pour chacun de ces régimes, il existe un Centre de Rattachement par département, chacun d’entre
eux pouvant être découpé en plusieurs Centres de Paiement (ou Centres de Gestion).
Ex. : Un assuré de la CPAM habitant Troyes appartient forcément au grand régime 01 (CPAM) et au
centre de rattachement 101 (Département de l’Aube). Par contre le centre de paiement auquel il est
rattaché dépend de son adresse exacte (il existe 4 centres de paiements différents pour la ville de
Troyes, codifiés 0701, 0702, 0703 et 0704). »
« Code centre rattachement : 0 + les 3 chiffres du numéro de la Caisse départementale (les 2 premiers
chiffres du centre de rattachement correspondent au département où se situe la Caisse). »
Peer comments on this reference comment:

neutral SJLD : I'm not sure the "organisme de rattachement" and the "centre de rattachement" are the same thing
5 hrs
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