Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

cannibaliser la marque

English translation:

to steal the spotlight from

Added to glossary by Parrot
Mar 22, 2001 11:00
23 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

cannibaliser la marque

French to English Other
I know this can mean taking market share away from a brand, but that doesn't seem to fit in this context. This is referring to not using major writers for a magazine. "Dans l'ours, peu de grandes signatures. 'Elles cannibaliseraient la marque!'" Could that mean such writers would overwhelm the brand or take the focus off the brand because of their celebrity? Thanks for any insights you may have. Karen

Proposed translations

12 mins

to steal the spotlight from

Robert gives one meaning of cannibaliser which suits your text: Concurrencer (un produit semblable) du même producteur. "On craignait que le dernier modèle ne cannibalise le précédent."
Another possibility: to absorb and destroy (lit).


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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This was a very hard choice because both of you were right. I simply thought that "steal the spotlight from" was just the right register for the context. Thanks to both of you! Karen"
9 mins

cannibalize, suck the lifeblood out of the brand

think you're right they (the writers) would gobble the brand's heart,core. they would grow stronger and the brand woulg get weaker and weaker
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36 mins

"eat into the brand's market share"

Harrap's suggests "eat into"

Any help?

Best wishes

Barnaby Capel-Dunn
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