Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

amour d\'autrui

English translation:

love of others

Added to glossary by suewiddicombe
Jun 24, 2012 05:49
12 yrs ago
French term

amour d'autrui

Non-PRO French to English Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Help for the disabled
The text is a background to research on cerebral palsy sufferers, young adults in the transition to adulthood. Am not sure how to translate amour d'autrui in the context - love/affection/recognition/appreciation of others? Thanks

"Les discontinuités du lien souvent rencontrées lors du passage à l'âge adulte ne sont pas de simples obstacles, mais des révélateurs du stigmate qui frappe celles et ceux présentant une déficience et font à ce titre partie intégrante du processus de production du handicap (Fougeyrollas, 2011). Ces discontinuités érodent les représentations que les individus se font d’eux-mêmes, touchent la reconnaissance par ***l'amour d'autrui***, reconnaissance de ses droits, et reconnaissance sociale de ses capacités (Honneth 2000, 2006)."
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Jun 24, 2012 15:16: Lara Barnett changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

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Non-PRO (3): Nikki Scott-Despaigne, JaneD, Lara Barnett

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cc in nyc Jun 24, 2012:
@ Fiorsam Try googling "love of others." ;-)
Fiorsam Jun 24, 2012:
"love of others" sounds very awkward to me in English. Perhaps "love toward others"?

Proposed translations

24 mins

love of others

There are a lot of online references to Honneth's work, and I *think* this is the relevant phrase; see page 2 of the reference.

Note added at 1 hr (2012-06-24 07:37:29 GMT)

I can't get the link to work, sorry - to find it type honneth "love of others" in Google, and it's the top entry (MINIMAL INCOME AS BASIC CONDITION FOR AUTONOMY) - click on the Quick View link.
Peer comment(s):

neutral kashew : Hi, your link is broken.// Love/care/esteem FROM/BY others?
1 hr
Oh dear - it's a pdf on google docs, I expect that's why...
agree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : Google with [Honnet+"love of others"+2000+2006] gets 48 hits, sufficient confirmation of the phrase as suggested. @Asker : it is always worth a try on what reads as an ordinary phrase. Google the ordinary phrase with some specifics, here author and date.
1 hr
Thanks Nikki
3 hrs
agree B D Finch
3 hrs
disagree Michel Ange Quay : look up "emotional attachment to other persons" and "count the hits"
5 hrs
I didn't think "love of others" was correct either, until I looked at some of the literature - it really does seem to be the term used, whether it sounds right to non-social philosophers or not!
agree Lara Barnett
9 hrs
Thanks Lara
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much to all"
5 hrs

emotional attachment to other persons

Sorry to disagree, but I must.

The term used in Honneth's work is "emotional attachment to other persons". Look it up. "Love of others" isn't even proper English!

please look it up.

Peer comment(s):

disagree Wolf Draeger : "love" is definitely the right word in the context of Honneth's ideas, it's just a matter of using it correctly. Your answer only forms part of the definition of love and is not a suitable replacement for the concept as a whole.
29 mins
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7 hrs

Through loving others

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Reference comments

6 hrs

Axel Honneth and the struggle for recognition

The expression *reconnaissance par amour d'autrui* is a FR translation of the original German, and forms part of Honneth's three modes of recognition.

Perhaps the following links will help? The term may perhaps be simply translated as "love" (or love relationships?) in the context of Honneth's work.
Note from asker:
Aha! Thank you very much - don't have time to do all of the necessary research so appreciate your input mightily. Am also from SA - JHB originally, now in Paris. Enjoy the miserable weather as I am doing here!
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