Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

to place concrete/construction joints

Added to glossary by Coqueiro
Jan 27, 2013 17:16
12 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering Bodengutachten
Zur Vermeidung von Rissen des neuen Bauwerkes ist dieses in den üblichen Abständen abzufugen. Eine besonders sorgfältige Ausbildung der Fugen ist dort wesentlich, wo unterschiedlich belastete Bauwerksteile aneinandergrenzen.
Change log

Feb 3, 2013 10:20: Coqueiro Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

5 hrs

to place concrete joints

or maybe: to place constructive joints

In order to ensure that the concrete is properly put into place and that it lives up to its durable characterization, many factors must be considered. One of the most important is ensuring that proper concrete joints are installed to allow for proper installation of the concrete and for movement over time. :

Joint design—Joints are used in slab-on-ground
construction to limit the frequency and width of random cracks
caused by volume changes and to reduce the magnitude of slab
curling. Generally, if limiting the number of joints by
increasing the joint spacing can be accomplished without
increasing the number of random cracks, floor maintenance
will be reduced. The layout of joints and joint details should be
provided by the designer. If the joint layout is not provided, the
contractor should submit a detailed joint layout and placing
sequence for approval of the designer before proceeding

Note added at 6 Tage (2013-02-03 10:19:31 GMT) Post-grading

Gerne & viel Erfolg!
Peer comment(s):

agree Raymond Peat : Agree - joints (construction joints, expansion joints, shrinkage joints) ensure changes in length of the concrete occur in a controlled manner at the joints and not by forming random cracks elsewhere. I designed concrete structures in an earlier life.
21 mins
agree Lancashireman : More appropriate in the case of 'belastete Bauwerksteile'.
15 hrs
agree David Wade : See comments under Johanna's suggestion
1 day 14 hrs
Thank you ;-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Yes! Thank you"
2 hrs

grouting/ application of grout


Grout is another name for a paste or mortar that is used in building construction to fill spaces, gaps or crevices that occur between areas of building materials. Walls constructed of wood joints or brick and floors consisting of ceramic tiles are common areas where grout is applied
Peer comment(s):

agree Ramey Rieger (X) : Filling the need seamlessly. Have I wished you a good 2013, yet?
54 mins
Indeed, Ramey! A healthy and happy New Year to you too.
agree Cetacea
1 day 15 hrs
neutral David Wade : Cracks (in concr.) are grouted as remedial measure, but this is about preventing them (Vermeidung) in a new structure by designing in joints at suitable intervals (Abständen), as expl. by Coqueiro. "Ausbildung der Fugen" in 2nd sentence underlines this
1 day 16 hrs
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7 hrs


Peer comment(s):

disagree Kim Metzger :
5 mins
disagree Cetacea : Nothing's being inserted here,
1 day 9 hrs
disagree pj-ffm : Imho
2 days 7 hrs
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1 day 22 hrs

to form joints

nothing in the source text explicitly says that the joints are to be grouted - they might be filled with a a variety of jointing compounds

Note added at 1 day22 hrs (2013-01-29 16:02:38 GMT)

I agree with Raymond Peat they are likely to be cpnstruction expansion joints. However the verb abfugen is not that explicit
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