Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Elvira Stoianov
Oct 7, 2003 18:23
21 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering
Die Flüssigkeiten und Gase in Leitungen und Behälter sind farblich nach DIN 2403 gekenn-zeichnet.
Change log

Nov 4, 2005 14:28: Marcus Malabad changed "Term asked" from "Leitungen (was passt hier am besten)" to "Leitungen" , "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Construction / Civil Engineering"

Discussion Oct 7, 2003:
Leider wei� ich nicht genau denn es geht um ein Netzwerksystem, das dazu verwendet wird, die Daten von verschiedenen ANlagen zu verwalten. Es wird jedoch in meinem Text nicht deutlich gesagt, womit sich diese Anlagen besch�ftigen. Ich w�rde jedoch anhand eines vorhandenen Bildes tippen, dass es um KFZ-Herstellung geht.
Klaus Herrmann Oct 7, 2003:
Sprechen wir von Miniatur-Medizinroboter, Drucker oder Raffinerie?

Proposed translations

16 mins
German term (edited): Leitungen (was passt hier am besten)

pipes and tubing

Just a hunch. That's what I'd expect in a production plant. Hoses (flexible, typically detachable) is less likely IMHO.
Peer comment(s):

agree foehnerk (X) : or simply piping, piping systems
51 mins
agree Rolf Buesken (X) : Agree with Karl. - As to Kim, pipelines tend to be overland installations.
2 hrs
agree Kim Metzger : Piping sounds about right.
2 hrs
agree Steffen Walter : piping is just as vague as the (almost) non-existent context
13 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "danke, diese Antwort hat mir sehr geholfen, obwohl alle fast gleich waren"
1 min
German term (edited): Leitungen (was passt hier am besten)

pipes / hoses

I think either one's okay. Pipes are generally metal and hoses are generally plastic.

Note added at 3 mins (2003-10-07 18:26:48 GMT)

\"Conduit\" might cover both:

Mear\'s pipe flow calculator
... Model, Pipe flow calculator. Notes 1. This rule is designed for the flow of liquids and gases in pipes. The front is for pressure loss/flow calculations. ... specialised/9919-mears-lqd.htm - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Trolex Products from Proviso Systems Ltd
... IP66 Protection. Intrinsically Safe. TX6000 Insertion Flow Switch Flow/no flow sensing of liquids and gases in pipes, conduits and ducts. ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

SF Pressure Drop for Windows: Informations
... Screenshot. SF Pressure Drop Version 5.0 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP calculates pressure drops (caused by friction) of flowing liquids and gases in pipes. ...
Peer comment(s):

agree John Furth
4 mins
agree David Moore (X) : .
13 mins
agree D D (X)
1 hr
Something went wrong...
1 hr
German term (edited): Leitungen (was passt hier am besten)


I think pipeline would be a good choice in connection with Behälter -(storage) tanks or containers.

Based on DIN 2403, pipelines etc. are marked with coloured rings (in accordance with the media identification colour of the flow medium) and with black or white arrows. We offer self-adhesive strips in standard sizes as well as in all sizes, colours required by you – if you wish also with text specified by you.

Eine deutliche Kennzeichnung der Rohrleitungen nach dem Durchflußstoff ist im Interesse der Sicherheit, der sachgerechten Instandhaltung und der wirksamen Brandbekämpfung unerläßlich.
Grundsätzlich erfolgt die Kennzeichnung der Rohrleitungen nach DIN 2403
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