Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by David Williams
Feb 1, 2010 15:45
15 yrs ago
6 viewers *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Engineering: Industrial Plant

"Von jedem Ventil wird eine flexible Kunststoffschlauch-Verbindung zu einer PVC-Sammelrohrleitung hergestellt, die zu einem oder mehreren Geräten führt."

"Dieses Ventil ist mit Anschlussverschraubungen DN15 zum Einbau in eine PVC-(Sammel)Rohrleitung oder zum Anschluss an PE-Schlauch ausgestattet."

I'm especially bothered by "(Sammel)Rohrleitung". I have found various translations of "Sammelrohrleitung"such as "main conduit" "intercepting pipe" or "collecting pipeline", but I have a feeling this might actually be meant to be a manifold (Sammelleitung).


jccantrell Feb 1, 2010:
How about... pipeline used as a manifold? Sounds like the pipe might be "zweckentfremdet" so that it serves this purpose without being initially designed to do this. Something like a regular pipe with several holes in it connecting to various other pipes. Really sounds like a plumber's nightmare!
David Williams (asker) Feb 1, 2010:
Thanks! I thought it must be, it seemed the only logical translation, but then I wonder why the author sometimes refers to a Sammelleitung and here, in just these two places so far, to a Sammelrohrleitung/(Sammel)Rohrleitung. Given that, how would you suggest I deal with "(Sammel)Rohrleitung"? Obviously, "(Mani)fold" doesn't work, but someone is bound to complain if I ignore the brackets. How about "mainfold/pipe" or "mainfold/pipeline"?
Bernd Runge Feb 1, 2010:
Oops sorry, right you are! Dann auch manifold!
Alan Johnson Feb 1, 2010:
Not collecting Hallo Bernd,
ich zitiere aus dem Text in Davids Beispiel: "die zu einem oder mehreren Geräten führt". Also wird nicht gesammelt, sondern verteilt, oder habe ich es falsch verstanden?
Bernd Runge Feb 1, 2010:
more than one Hallo David, ich denke, dass es mehrere richtige Antworten auf deine Frage gibt. Wenn man die Funktion in den Vordergrund stellt, würde ich intercepting/collecting pipe wählen - bei Schwerpunkt auf äußerer Form, käme dann manifold zum Tragen.

Proposed translations

4 mins


This is what they call it on a car engine.


Machinery. a chamber having several outlets through which a liquid or gas is distributed or gathered.

Note added at 5 mins (2010-02-01 15:50:50 GMT)

From your description AND, it MUST be this.
Note from asker:
Many thanks! I thought it must be, it seemed the only logical translation.
Peer comment(s):

agree Alan Johnson : I think manifold is good here. It's obviously a distributor and not a collector, so distribution manifold might also be an option, if you dislike vageries.
10 mins
agree Bernd Runge
19 mins
agree Eleonore Ladwig : Gilt für den Bereich Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - automotive egineering
51 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks!"
8 mins

collector plumping

Peer comment(s):

disagree Alan Johnson : From the text provided: "zu einem oder mehreren Geräten führt", so it's not collecting anything. What exactly is "plumping"?
8 mins
should have been "plumbing"
neutral Kim Metzger : The target language is English./Plumbing certainly isn't what a native speaker would use.
4 hrs
Herr Metzger, here you are again. Any suggestions regarding the term?
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12 mins


Just another alternative, because I agree with you that this might be a header.
Note from asker:
Thanks, but I'm not quite sure who you agree with about header. I didn't suggest that, did I?
Something went wrong...
1 hr

main conduit

My proposal: The flexible tubes may come from a manifold system (context?), but they are combined in a PVC main conduit which leads to the respective device. See link below for "PVC manifolds!" Perhaps the illustrations will make things clearer.
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