Nov 29, 2009 09:55
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

Weihnachtsschmuck aus Kaschmir

German to English Other Folklore
My text is about Christmas in India:

"So dient als Weihnachtsbaum meistens ein Mangobaum oder eine Bananenstaude, die mit Weihnachtsschmuck aus Kaschmir geschmückt werden"

I am in a quandary with the "Weihnachtsschmuck aus Kaschmir" bit. Are they taking about fuzzy decorations made of cashmere? Or decorations that come from Kashmir?

In googling "India/Christmas/tradtions/etc." I am not coming up with anything that indicates either one of these options as a typical custom.

Proposed translations

10 mins

Christmas ornaments from (in the style of) Kaschmir

exotic/unusual decorations for the tree
Peer comment(s):

agree BrigitteHilgner : Sold, among others, in Fair Trade shops.
1 hr
Danke :-)
agree Melanie Nassar : But no c in Kashmir. Unlike German, in English "ornaments from Kashmir" makes it clear that they are not made of cashmere.
1 hr
Danke :-)
agree Thayenga
1 hr
Danke :-)
agree writeaway
2 hrs
Danke :-)
agree franglish
3 hrs
Danke :-)
agree Helen Shiner : Christmas decorations from Kashmir would be the UK-EN take on this.
4 hrs
Danke :-)
agree claudiocambon : Or Kashmiri Chistmas decorations
4 hrs
Danke :-)
agree Ulrike Kraemer : with Melanie and Helen
5 hrs
Danke :-)
agree Ingeborg Gowans (X) : mit meinen Vorgängern Melanie, Helen und Little Balu
7 hrs
Danke :-)
agree Rolf Keiser
7 hrs
Danke :-)
agree Armorel Young : I agree with those who opt for "decorations"; I have never heard "Christmas ornaments" in the UK - "Christmas decorations" is the standard term
8 hrs
Danke :-)
agree milinad
18 hrs
Danke! :-)
agree Rebecca Garber
1 day 6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
27 mins

paper mache christmas ornaments

Christmas ornaments made of Paper Mache. Hand painted. It includes Christmas Balls, Moons, Stars, Shooting Stars and other accessories. Paper Mache is a dilicate decorative art which shows the artistic zeal of a craftsman. This art was introduced in Kashmir in the 15th Century by a Kashmiri prince who spent years in prison at Samarkand in Central Asia. The art born in the land of Persia was highly favored by Mughal Emperors of 15th & 16th Century.

please check my links!!!
Peer comment(s):

agree kriddl : Yes, very interesting!
6 mins
agree Kerstin Green
50 mins
agree Tom Feise
4 hrs
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