This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Oct 29, 2004 11:47
20 yrs ago
German term
das geheime Leben ... des Stalinismus
German to English
Social Sciences
Government / Politics
"Er kannte das **geheime Leben** und Nachleben des Stalinismus aus eigener Anschauung, er wusste um die grausamen Schauprozesse..."
I'm struggling to express this succinctly in English, i.e. linking "life under" with "the legacy" of Stalinism. Any ideas?
I'm struggling to express this succinctly in English, i.e. linking "life under" with "the legacy" of Stalinism. Any ideas?
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
4 mins
the secret life
He had seen the secret life and the legacy of Stalinism with his own eyes, he knew about the cruel show trials...
any good ?
any good ?
20 mins
the secret life of Stalinism
"...he had experienced the secret life and the legacy of Stalinism; he knew about the grisly show trials...".
Looks as if you are writing an "obit." for someone who was high up in the rankings at the time....
Looks as if you are writing an "obit." for someone who was high up in the rankings at the time....
21 mins
Stalinist secrecy and legacy
another approach
23 mins
the hidden life or the life hidden from the eyes of the world
I am against legacy --- lasting existence of Stalinism