Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
English translation:
fund initiators
German term
4 +1 | fund initiators | Rolf Keiser |
5 -1 | Fondinitiator | Christian Heilwagen |
3 | fund originators | jccantrell |
Oct 23, 2008 15:37: Kim Metzger changed "Language pair" from "English to German" to "German to English"
Oct 24, 2008 10:17: Steffen Walter changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/952636">frau vicky's</a> old entry - "fondsinitatoren"" to ""fund initiators""
Oct 24, 2008 10:17: Steffen Walter changed "Term asked" from "fondsinitatoren" to "Fondsinitiatoren" , "Field (specific)" from "Finance (general)" to "Investment / Securities"
Proposed translations
fund initiators
Thank you for your suggestion and time with this, it was very helpful. Kind regards, Victoria |
Thank you so much for your suggestion, it was a great help. Kind regards, Victoria |
agree |
: Fund initiators:
1 hr
thank you
Broschürenseite 3 rechte Spalte der englische Begriff "fond initator"
Broschürenseite 16 unten der deutsche Begriff "Fondinitiator"
Hoffe, es hilft...
agree |
Hans G. Liepert
: Fondsinitiator
2 mins
disagree |
Kim Metzger
: But what's the translation? "Fond initator" isn't English.
13 mins
Dear Kim, many thanks for your comment. I'm utterly sorry for my mistake. As you can review in the linked document, I meant fund initiator for the english term. Sorry, I'm very busy, trying to help and made a typo. Sorry again.
disagree |
Nicole W.
: Ich denke, dies ist weder ein korrekter deutscher noch englischer Begriff. Hier wird der englische Ausdruck gesucht. "Fond" im Englischen hat eine ganz andere Bedeutung. Entweder "Fonds" im Deutschen oder "fund" im Englischen. Daher disagree.
25 mins