Feb 27, 2002 15:28
23 yrs ago
14 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents
Term appears in the terms and conditions of an electronics company:
'Die Ware bleibt Eigentum von der Firma A bis sämtliche Forderungen von der Firma A gegen den Besteller aus der Geschäftsverbindung, gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund, einschließlich künftig entstehender Forderungen, beglichen sind (Vorbehaltsware).'
I found 'conditional commodity/goods' but I'm not sure if that's right/what that really means.

Proposed translations

26 mins

conditional commodity / goods subject to reservation of ownership

Der Eigentumsvorbehalt ist gängige Praxis im deutschen Vertragsrecht, um die Rechtsstellung des Verkäufers zu sichern.
Wilhelm Schäfer, Wirtschaftswörterbuch schlägt "conditional commodity" vor,aber vielleicht ist "goods subject to reservation of ownership" für den englischsprachigen Leser leichter zu verstehen.
Peer comment(s):

agree brute (X)
2 hrs
agree Beate Lutzebaeck : Spot-on - another option is "goods subject to retention of title" => Romalpa clause
4 hrs
agree Wortmetz : "Title" looks more legally concise to me so I've been using "subject to reservation of title" for some years. "Conditional commodity"appears to be slightly off the mark.
4016 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks - very helpful!"
4 mins

reserved goods

That's Hamblock/Wessel's take on it.

Peer comment(s):

agree AmiHH : That's my preference.
40 mins
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48 mins

goods will remain attached

another possibility?
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1 hr

withheld merchandise

it is called on credit card receipts in US, i.e. withheld until payment clears

or: unpaid merchandise...
merchandise subject to payment...
merchandise held in abeyance
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