Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

Key data

Jul 9, 2001 14:51
23 yrs ago
7 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents
I'm afraid I can't really give a context because it is a topic heading of a document with no further reference! I know it can mean "vertex", but the document is a legal/financial text - does anyone know what it can mean in that context?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Proposed translations

46 mins

Further to my previous answer: directives or guidelines

Sorry, I should have checked my terminology database before firing off my answer:
It does list Eckpunktepapier - set of directives or set of guidelines.

Hopefully this will give you a few more options.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Yup, i initially went for "guidelines" myself but from my knowledge of the document, I think I will plump for "key data". Thanks very much for your answer. Proz really can be amazing - I asked my question, made a coffee, came back and there were 7 response!! All the best, Richard"
8 mins


foundation, basis
Peer comment(s):

disagree Angelika Motto (X) : foundation and basis refer to "Grundlage"
11 mins
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10 mins

benchmark points

I'm not sure about the above translation, but my dictionary (see below) provides the following for Eckwert: key data, benchmark, reference figure, basic value/rate
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14 mins

key points / features

I think in this context it is referring to a list of key points.

Is it part of a SWOT analysis, or something similar? (SWOT = Strenghts/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats)...

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19 mins

(corner) pillars

Eckpunkte = Eckpfeiler = corner pillars
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23 mins

Key Points

In the legal content I would suggest the closest would be Key Points.
Peer comment(s):

agree Randi Stenstrop
19 mins
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36 mins

key points / principles

Eckpunkt is a new German "Modewort" - a Google search on the term will yield some 28,000 hits... (But neither Duden nor Wahrig list it yet in their latest editions.)
"Key points" would probably be the best and most generic translation. In some
instances, "principles" might work better.

An example of what is considered an "Eckpunkt" may be found in the following excerpted list:
Die genannten Eckpunkte der Reform:
Die Bedarfssätze des BAföG sollen deutlich angehoben und den gestiegenen Lebenshaltungskosten angepasst werden. Der Höchstsatz soll von 1.030 DM auf 1.100 DM steigen.
Die Freibeträge, die für die anrechenbaren Einkommen maßgeblich sind, sollen deutlich angehoben werden.

Some other examples of the use of the word:
Entwurf von Eckpunkten zur Notwendigkeit und zum Inhalt tarifvertraglicher Lösungen für die Beschäftigten in Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen 2/Eckpunkte.htm

Ministerin Behler legt Eckpunkte-Papier für neue Form der Lehrerausbildung vor
/ Modellversuch in NRW geplant: Mit Bachelor und Master in die Schulen. ...

Die afrikanische Herausforderung
Eckpunkte einer strategischen Afrikapolitik
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