Oct 23, 2003 05:38
21 yrs ago
German term

Stringente Produktpalette

German to English Marketing
Hat XXX mit einer Milliarde Euro Bargeld ueberhaupt eine Chance gegen so viel Finanzkraft? Durchaus. Weltweit gilt SAP als die Marke fuer Unternehmenssoftware. Zudem verfuegt das deutsche Softwarehaus im Gegensatz zu Microsoft schon heute ueber eine stringente Produktpalette fuer den Mittelstand.

Proposed translations

51 mins

stringent range of products

stringent is the same in German and English and means 'zwingend' i.e. 'compelling'
Peer comment(s):

neutral Aniello Scognamiglio (X) : "konsequent" auf den Mittelstand ausgerichtet! Aber zwingend? Was?
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Danke schoen!"
50 mins

a set range of products designed specifically for SMEs

I would understand this as "a set range of products designed specifically for SMEs". I might be wrong, though.
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51 mins

dedicated range of products

might be what they mean here
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50 mins

Integrated product suite (range, portfolio)

perhaps "seemlessly integrated..."

Note added at 54 mins (2003-10-23 06:32:24 GMT)

personal experience and many Web examples avaiable, this is just one:

... and SAP had a fully integrated suite from the start, PeopleSoft has been playing catch-up. \"PeopleSoft doesn\'t have a best-in-class integrated product suite,\" ...

Note added at 57 mins (2003-10-23 06:35:14 GMT)

personal experience and many Web examples avaiable, this is just one:

... and SAP had a fully integrated suite from the start, PeopleSoft has been playing catch-up. \"PeopleSoft doesn\'t have a best-in-class integrated product suite,\" ...

Note added at 1 hr 1 min (2003-10-23 06:40:05 GMT)

Im SAP-Umfeld und überhaupt bei Software, die sich durch modulare Architektur auszeichnet, dürfte mit \"stringent\" gemeint sein, daß die Module gut aufeinander abgestimmt sind, gut integriert sind (Schnittstellen etc.). Wie gut, darüber könnte man eine Forumsdiskussion starten, aber besser nicht;-) \"Zwingend\" oder Ähnliches ist damit wohl nicht gemeint.

Note added at 1 hr 6 mins (2003-10-23 06:44:22 GMT)

denkbar wäre noch \"konsequent\" aufeinander abgestimmt!
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : doesn't make a lot of sense in the context: as opposed to Microsoft
13 mins
yes, it does! Where is your suggestion? Microsoft? The problem is that MS do not have such software.
Something went wrong...
1 hr

compelling set of (software)products

with reference to the quality of special-purpose design
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2 hrs

well-focussed array of products

might fit
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

clearly-defined range of products (o. product range)

how I understand it
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