Dec 16, 2004 12:18
20 yrs ago
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Mathematics & Statistics dissertation title
This is from the title of a dissertation mentioned in an obituary.

"Ein stochastisches Modell zur Verkehrsumlegung"

What I am wondering is whether I should write rerouting or just routing, i.e., should the English be as specific as the -um- in -umlegung or would it be more customary to use routing or planning cover the territory? (I am looking in Google in parallel as the job is urgent. Hope that is okay with you as an exception.)

Many thanks in advance.

Discussion Dec 16, 2004:
Thanks for the extrapolation. That helps, too Dec 16, 2004:
Sorry: transport The diss was published in the 1960s under the aegis of the BM f. Verkehr (Strassenbau). Perhaps I'm splitting hairs, but the googles are roughly 10:1 in favor of routing, making me wonder if rerouting is too specific in English.
CMJ_Trans (X) Dec 16, 2004:
what sort of traffic is this? transport? or something else?

Proposed translations

27 mins

I would say you need a "re" in there because it is obviously about changing something existing

It may even refer to a new road layout i.e. the introduction of a bypass etc.

To hedge your bets, if you haven't got the article, you could say "re-routing traffic".
For a tiotle itis however somewhat flat

Road layout redesign - maybe I'm extrapolating too much but seen from where I'm sitting...
Peer comment(s):

agree Ken Cox : fully agree
25 mins
agree Allesklar : good shot
31 mins
agree Kim Metzger
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you. 4 for speed and the "extrapolation," since it is not my field and the diss wasn't available (I needed a second opinion within the hour). SwissTell, thank you for jumping in, too! I think the many hits for traffic assignment probably come from IT, but only a few of the readers would have given it much thought."
1 hr

traffic assignment

takes care of your "re" problem AND the ref. below also mentions your
stochastic thing ...

Travel Cost in Stochastic Traffic Assignment
Dateiformat: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - HTML-Version
... Page 3. Traffic Assignment Modelling • Input: set of travel demands ... Methods of traffic
assignment • Total cost in deterministic versus stochastic models ... or no-re problem.

Note added at 1 hr 23 mins (2004-12-16 13:41:59 GMT)

PS: over 2 million Google hits under such heading
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