Oct 25, 2006 10:51
18 yrs ago
German term
darniederliegende Erythropoese
German to English
Medical (general)
Die Funktion des Transferrins wird heute meistens durch die Beobachtung der Verschwinderate der Radioeisenaktivität aus dem Plasma untersucht. Die Normalwerte für die Eisenumsatzgeschwindigkeit liegen bei 25-40 mg/d. Rasches Verschwinden des markierten Eisens findet man bei Asiderosen und bei Zuständen gesteigerter Erythropoese, während bei darniederliegender Erythropoese verzögertes Verschwinden des markierten Eisens nachzuweisen ist
Proposed translations
3 +1 | reduced erythropoesis | rainerc (X) |
3 +1 | depressed erythropoiesis | Anne Schulz |
1 | severe erythropoesis | Jonathan MacKerron |
Proposed translations
26 mins
reduced erythropoesis
or poor erythropoesis, meaning that the process of erythropoesis is no longer funtioning (properly).
Reduced erythropoesis from parvovirus infection. d. Superimposed Fe deficiency. e. Osmotic lysis by hypotonic solutions. 27. 18 yo student with nontender ...
www.vcomstudent.com/cafe/archive/Pathology/Pathology test 1...
marrow showed reduced erythropoesis and a general bone marrow atrophy. Infected bone marrow cells. were sparse and had the appearance of clusters. ...
Reduced erythropoesis from parvovirus infection. d. Superimposed Fe deficiency. e. Osmotic lysis by hypotonic solutions. 27. 18 yo student with nontender ...
www.vcomstudent.com/cafe/archive/Pathology/Pathology test 1...
marrow showed reduced erythropoesis and a general bone marrow atrophy. Infected bone marrow cells. were sparse and had the appearance of clusters. ...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
14 mins
severe erythropoesis
guess based on Duden's defintion of darniederliegend
"krank u. bettlägerig sein: schwer [an Typhus] ."
Note added at 20 mins (2006-10-25 11:12:21 GMT)
apparently darniederliegen is an alternative spelling of "daniederliegen"
"krank u. bettlägerig sein: schwer [an Typhus] ."
Note added at 20 mins (2006-10-25 11:12:21 GMT)
apparently darniederliegen is an alternative spelling of "daniederliegen"
46 mins
depressed erythropoiesis
another option besides "reduced"