Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

antibody screen(ing)

Added to glossary by Sonja Poeltl
Apr 25, 2010 03:36
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general)
A pregnancy report lists:
Transabdominale/transvaginale Sonographie: Fruchtwassermenge:

What does "AS" stand for? First I thought it could mean "abdominal sonography" but that doesn't make sense since there is a "transabdominal/transvaginal sonography" further up on the list already.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 antibody screen
5 Aortic Stenosis


Sonja Poeltl (asker) Apr 25, 2010:
There are entries at the other terms but not at AS. "AS: -"
Johanna Timm, PhD Apr 25, 2010:
are there any entries?
casper (X) Apr 25, 2010:
@ Sonja Poeltl Are all these columns in the pregnancy report left blank in the source text? A numerical value with the measuring unit, if provided next to "AS", may give some clue, perhaps?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

antibody screen

Antikörper-Suchtest scheint mir am wahrscheinlichsten zu sein. Ich habe eben in einem (deutschen) Mutterpass nachgesehen. Da sind ein Antikörper-Suchtest und zwei Antikörper-Suchtest-Kontrollen vorgesehen.

Blood Type and Rh Status and Antibody Screen
Blood tests will check your blood type, your Rh status, and an antibody screen. Your blood type needs to be checked so that a potential mix-up of bloods can be averted if there is a need for a transfusion. Rh negative women need to be identified in advance so that they can be considered as candidates for RhoGAM, an immunoglobulin that is given at 28 weeks of pregnancy and within 72 hours of delivery in order for the mother to keep from becoming Rh sensitized. Occasionally, RhoGAM is also given when there is a potential risk for fetal blood to mix with the mother's blood, such as in a car accident or in amniocentesis.

Why it's important (RhoGAM): Giving this medication prevents the mother's body from mounting an antibody response against an Rh positive baby in future pregnancies. An antibody screen detects antibodies, both Rh and less common types, that may occur in the fetus or newborn.

Why it's important (antibody screen): Antibodies have the potential for causing blood disease in the fetus and newborn.

Note added at 2 Stunden (2010-04-25 06:27:45 GMT)

Der Antikörper-Suchtest
Bei diesem Test wird untersucht, ob sich im mütterlichen Blut Antikörper gegen Blutgruppen-Antigene gebildet haben, die dem Ungeborenen schaden könnten. Ein negativer Antikörper-Suchtest ist der Normalfall. Dieser Suchtest wird im Laufe der Schwangerschaft mindestens ein weiteres Mal durchgeführt - sollte der Titer positiv sein ggf. auch noch häufiger. Lassen sich bei Rh-negativen Müttern - wie es natürlich erwünscht und erhofft ist - bis zur 28./30. Woche keine spezifischen Antikörper nachweisen, so wird eine Anti-D-Prophylaxe durchgeführt
Peer comment(s):

agree MMUlr : Erscheint vom Gesamtzusammenhang her sehr wahrscheinlich ... sicher wäre ich hier aber noch nicht. :-)
13 mins
danke MMUlr, ja, es kommt immer viel auf den Kontext an
agree Lirka : with MMUlr; in any case, you can go with antibody screen since it makes 100% sense, even if they meant sth else [ which is unlikely]. Nobody can blame you.
1 hr
thanks lirka
agree Harald Moelzer (medical-translator) : mit MMUlr
8 days
danke Harald
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
2 hrs

Aortic Stenosis

8 Apr 2005 ... In contrast to symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS), asymptomatic AS has been shown to have a relatively good outcome even if it is ... - Π

CTG: (continuous tococardiogaraphy),
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lirka : very unlikely, it would be listed under diagnosis
1 hr
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