Jan 4, 2013 00:24
12 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term

KM markieren

German to English Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals
I have German medical invoice/letter, in which the abbreviation "KM" is used. The sentence in which it occurs follows:

"Injiziert wird Triamcinolon (kristallines Cortison) und Naropin - mit ***KM*** markiert."

Does anyone know what this might refer to? A quantity?

Any help appreciated! Thank you!
Proposed translations (English)
3 +6 labeled with contrast dye


Jonathan MacKerron Jan 4, 2013:
What kind of procedure? If not some kind of radiological test, KM can also = "Knochenmark"
Trudy Peters Jan 4, 2013:
Your entry should read "mit KM markieren"
MPerret (asker) Jan 4, 2013:
Yes, I think that's it! Thank you.
Trudy Peters Jan 4, 2013:
Kontrastmittel maybe?

Proposed translations

7 hrs

labeled with contrast dye

My guess
Peer comment(s):

agree Siegfried Armbruster
30 mins
Danke sehr, Siegfried
agree Anne Schulz : with honors to Trudy :-) // Sicher doch! Ich meinte das nur, weil das Problem durch Trudys Eintrag für MPerret ja eigentlich schon gelöst war :-)
1 hr
Danke Anne. Aber 'KM' kannten wir doch schon,oder...?
agree Susanne Schiewe
5 hrs
Danke schön, Susanne!
agree Cetacea
6 hrs
Vielen Dank, Cetacea!
agree Trudy Peters : Thanks Anne :-)
6 hrs
Thank you very much, Trudy.
agree Harald Moelzer (medical-translator) : Mit Anne. Ein gutes neues Jahr!
3 days 4 hrs
Danke schön, Dir auch ein frohes neues Jahr!
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