Sep 6, 2002 02:27
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical
'und Schätzformeln zur Errechnung der Clearance aus dem Serumkreatinin'

Proposed translations

5 hrs

formula for uncorrected creatinine clearance

... The BSA here is calculated from the height and weight with the formula of ... Reference
range in our laboratory of an "uncorrected" creatinine clearance ...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I defer to the good Doctor's opinion here. Nevertheless, thanks much to Karlo for all those examples, I just thought that in this specific case Janine's take was closer to what I wanted."
16 mins

Estimation formula

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... a) Nominal holding gains --- defined as holding gains/losses due to asset price change
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Note added at 2002-09-07 14:49:39 (GMT) Post-grading

Damit nicht der Eindruck entsteht, dass Doktoren alles besser wissen müssen.
In deinem Zusammenhang war von Schätzformeln für die Creatine Clearance die Rede. In diesen Schätzformeln spielt auch die Correction durch Alter und Gewicht eine Rolle. Aber wie die nachfolgedn aufgeführten Beispiel klar belegen, heißt es in diesem Zusammenhang estimation formulae oder formulae to (for) estimate(ing).
Na ja, ist ja nicht das erste Mal und wohl auch nicht das letzte Mal, dass so etwas passiert.
Ich setze wahrscheinlich bei den Fragenden meist zu viel Fachwissen voraus.
Ganz liebe Grüße

if a high degree of precision is needed, creatining clearance (GFR) is estimated from
plasma creatinine, body weight, age, and sex
a good method is the Cockkroft and Gout formula

estimated creatinine clearance (ml/min) = (140-age) x weight / (serum
creatine (mmol/L) x 815)
multiply this value by 0.85 for females
other estimation formulae exist


These equations allow an estimation of creatinine clearance based on age body weight and
serum creatinine levels.

estimated creatinine clearance for males =
Ranges :
- age : adults (>=18 yr) and elderly patients when serum creatinine is at least 0,6 mg/dl
- weight : 35 to 120 kg ( be very carefull in obese patients because this formula may provide an
over-estimation of creatinine clearance )

Calculations and formulae

Creatinine clearance

Everyone knows it\'s UV/P but the units get a little confusing. This formula shows SI units.

Amount of creatinine in 24h of urine is reported by the lab in mmol/24h.
x1000 to convert to micromols
Serum creatinine is reported in micromols/l. x1000 to do calculation for
Number of minutes in 24h
1. MDRD equation: even the simplified versions are complex. It is best to use a calculator either
on the web or on your handheld computer. Different values/ accuracy are obtained according to
the parameters available.
2. Walser\'s formulae for GFR when [creat]>180mmol/l, GFR<40 ml/min: (Kidney Int

Gault\'s simple formulae for patients with better function: (Nephron 62:249, 1992)

= ((140 - (age in years)) * (body weight in kg) / (72 * (serum creatinine in mg/dL))) mL/min

estimated creatinine clearance for females =

= ((0.85) * (140 - (age in years)) * (body weight in kg) / (72 * (serum creatinine in mg/dL)))
mL/min =

= (140 - (age in years)) * (body weight in kg) / (85 * (serum creatinine in mg/dL))) mL/min

Note: In the original reference the formula is NOT per 1.73 meters-squared.
Peer comment(s):

agree Nancy Arrowsmith : formula for estimating
1 min
agree Sabine Tietge
2 hrs
agree Gillian Scheibelein : or estimation equation
2 hrs
agree Steffen Walter : estimation/estimate formulae (plural in accordance with source)
5 hrs
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