This question was closed without grading. Reason: Errant question
Jul 23, 2007 15:09
17 yrs ago
German term
German to English
Poetry & Literature
Judaism / Jewish culture
Really a question for a native speaker - this is translated as 'raked' according to various dictionaries but to my mind it doesn't convey a clear image. Is there another historic meaning (these are early 19th fairytales) or is this indeed what you understand to be the author's intention?
Danke i.v.
Als der Heiler sich in der Mitte des Weges
befand, schlief er ein und sah im Traume
die menschlichen Körperteile miteinander
Danke i.v.
Als der Heiler sich in der Mitte des Weges
befand, schlief er ein und sah im Traume
die menschlichen Körperteile miteinander
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
6 mins
argue/ dispute
according to Duden
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Jonathan MacKerron
: that is indeed the idea
6 mins
agree |
Kim Metzger
: According to Wahrig, rechten is tadeln, streiten
6 mins
agree |
Julia Michel
: Argue.
8 mins
agree |
Ulrike Kraemer
: argue
10 mins
agree |
: I am also in favour of "argue".
15 mins
agree |
: Schiller - Wilhelm Tell: "Ich kenn ihn wohl. Er ist mein Widerpart, Der um ein altes Erbstück mit mir rechtet."
2 hrs
agree |
Julia Lipeles
2 hrs
agree |
Ingeborg Gowans (X)
: good quote, Textclick!
4 hrs
agree |
Courtney Sliwinski
5 hrs
agree |
: Katherine Randall: I definitely think it means to argue, squabble, fight over one's rights
6 hrs
11 mins
litigate/go to law/dispute/argue/reason/remonstrate/expostulate
all according to Muret-Sanders 1906 version, and more explicity=
"miteinander rechten" = "to interplead"
"miteinander rechten" = "to interplead"
21 mins
contend with
just another way of saying it
4 hrs
German term (edited):
flailing/beating/doing battle with each other
Poetic licence? Dream of seizures? Low CL, but might be an idea.