May 26, 2005 07:13
19 yrs ago
German term
German to English
"Motivierbarkeit und Veränderbarkeit sind tief von der Persönlichkeitsstruktur eines Menschen bestimmt und hängen dabei von der individuellen Belohnungserwartung und -verarbeitung ab."
This is from a business text about motivation with a psychological bent. Can anyone tell me what "Belohnungsverarbeitung" means here and/or suggest a way of translating it?
Many thanks
This is from a business text about motivation with a psychological bent. Can anyone tell me what "Belohnungsverarbeitung" means here and/or suggest a way of translating it?
Many thanks
Proposed translations
5 mins
reward processing
... structures involved in reward processing and reward-dependent learning. ...
accomplishments in the study of human reward processing and focus their ...
... However, previous studies of reward processing in PD have produced ... Based on
previous neuroimaging studies of monetary reward processing in healthy ...
accomplishments in the study of human reward processing and focus their ...
... However, previous studies of reward processing in PD have produced ... Based on
previous neuroimaging studies of monetary reward processing in healthy ...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks all round"
5 mins
reward anticipation and processing
What's wrong with the literal translation?
7 mins
reward processing - processing of reward expectations
The processing of reward expectations suggests an access to central representations
of rewards which may be used for the neuronal control of ... cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=10731222&...
of rewards which may be used for the neuronal control of ... cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=10731222&...
9 mins
reward asessment
I feel the sentence relates to the expectations a person has with respect to a possible reward for doing something and then how they evaluate the reward mentally once they have recieved it.
e.g. employees expect to get a pay rise for overtime and are then un/satisfied with the actual increase paid to them
e.g. employees expect to get a pay rise for overtime and are then un/satisfied with the actual increase paid to them
3 hrs
Process or (procedure) of incentivising
may be the case
Something went wrong...