Aug 18, 2005 15:37
19 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering SAP ABS
Im Register "Abrufdaten" in den Rahmenvertragskopfdaten können Automotive spezifische Daten eingetragen werden, die sich auf den gesamten Rahmenauftrag beziehen und auch als Vorblendung für die Rahmenvertragspositionen dienen.

Proposed translations

1 hr

displayed automatically

The data is displayed automatically in the line items of the framework agreement (Rahmenvertragsposition).

Note added at 1 hr 5 mins (2005-08-18 16:43:38 GMT)

you could also use \"displayed as the default values for the line items of the framework agreement\", but this implies that you can change these values in the framework agreement, and I\'m not sure if you can.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "sorry for the late grading...I am having trouble leaving feedback lately. This one did fit best with the contents coming later in the document, thanks "
20 mins


vorblenden = superimpose
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