Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
firmenübergreifend und firmenintern
English translation:
company-external and internal
Added to glossary by
Robin Salmon (X)
Feb 21, 2002 06:09
23 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term
firmenübergreifend und firmenintern
German to English
Kunden-Lieferanten-Beziehungen (firmenübergreifend und firmenintern)
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
9 mins
company-external and internal
customer-supplier relations (both company external and internal), meaning customers and suppliers can be within the same company (i.e., different departments) or separate companies.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 mins
supra- and intra-company
1 hr
within and across companies
processes within and across companies. PROST246.535/Vorlesung8.ppt
processes within and across companies. PROST246.535/Vorlesung8.ppt
1 hr
inter- and intra-company
that's what I would say.
The term produces 518 google-hits, which - I think - fit the picture.
The term produces 518 google-hits, which - I think - fit the picture.
1 day 5 hrs
industrywide and inhouse.
US terms.
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