Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

final overtemperature

Added to glossary by Steffen Walter
Aug 9, 2002 23:23
22 yrs ago
German term


Non-PRO German to English Tech/Engineering
Die Belastungswerte sind Mittelwerte fuer eine Enduebertemperatur von ca. 450K.

Would that be final or end excess temperature?
Or is it just the rise in temperature?

Discussion Aug 10, 2002:
They are talking about braking resistors and an end thermal temperature of the resistors
Johannes Gleim Aug 10, 2002:
Under which circumstances you will have "End�bertemperaturen"?

Proposed translations

5 hrs

final overtemperature

Overtemperature = temperatures exceeding specified or set values. It appears that the overtemperature values vary or change and finally settles down to a value of approx. 450 K.

See ref. among others. There are plenty of hits on google.

Note added at 2002-08-10 05:34:50 (GMT)

To Rowan,
I meant that it has nothing to do with a temperature rise in this case (i.e. from the context).

Note added at 2002-08-10 05:35:06 (GMT)

To Rowan,
I meant that it has nothing to do with a temperature rise in this case (i.e. from the context).

Note added at 2002-08-10 05:45:22 (GMT)

Maybe some more info will clarify:
When the temperature of a process exceeds the set or specified value, the overtemperature protection sensor (or more rarely, excess temperature sensor) will send a message to the control unit which will then take action so that the temperature is lowered. Therefore, it is unusual that a \"final overtemperature\" is measured. In the present case, the process engineers may well be trying to determine worst-case scenarios and therefore need to find out what final overtemperature is if, e.g. the sensor fails.

Note added at 2002-08-10 05:58:13 (GMT)

To Rowan,
thanks. Its just years of experience with this sort of thing.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Rowan Morrell : No Google hits for the phrase "final overtemperature".
1 min
"overtemperature" gives 12,900+ hits and end = final. The course of the overtemperature is rarely measured IMO.
agree Johannes Gleim : I know this term also, it relates to abnormal overtemperature test (system failure)
7 hrs
agree Bob Kerns (X)
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Fits the context! Thank you."
1 hr

final temperature rise

I'm really sorry, but I don't know Albanian. Hope this English explanation will still help.
I looked up "Endübertemperatur" in Laixicon, but got nothing. I then looked up "Übertemperatur", and got "temperature rise", "excess temperature" and "overtemperature". Following that, I did a word search for "final temperature rise", "final excess temperature" and "final overtemperature", and "final temperature rise" got some hits while the other expressions didn't.

Therefore, based on the research I have done, I would recommend "final temperature rise".

Note added at 2002-08-10 05:44:25 (GMT)

After Gillian\'s info, I\'ve done a bit more research, and I think she\'s right. Because it says 450K (a specified value) rather than indicating an actual temperature, it is more likely to be overtemperature. (Ah heck, it IS overtemperature!) In the words of Winnie the Pooh, I have been Foolish and Deluded on this occasion.

And just because a phrase doesn\'t get search engine hits doesn\'t mean it doesn\'t exist.

I am more of a linguist than a technician, but sometimes you just have to have the specific knowledge, which Gillian evidently does. So give Gillian the points. And thank you, Gillian, for showing me the error of my ways (on this particular question). But it\'s been a good learning experience (as it usually is when I don\'t get it right).
Peer comment(s):

disagree Gillian Scheibelein : Übertemperature = overtemperature (well-known term). It has nothing to do with a rise, but is a specific value (450 K)
4 hrs
So, Laixicon is wrong then? (Though it also has "overtemperature).
agree Johannes Gleim : ist trotzdem im Ernst so enthalten
11 hrs
Danke, aber hier ist Gillians Übersetzung die bessere.
Something went wrong...
13 hrs

temperature excursion, excess temperature, temperature rise

Übertemperatur (kurzzeitig) temperature excursion
excess temperature
(Temperaturanstieg) = temperature rise

The asker has to choice which fits the best.

Note added at 2002-08-10 12:43:36 (GMT)

all term have to be compleate with \"final\" er \"end\", e.g.

final temperature excursion, final excess temperature, final temperature rise
end temperature excursion, end excess temperature, end temperature rise

Note added at 2002-08-10 16:14:54 (GMT)

temperature excursion means short overshoot of temperature (definition of UL 476C)
excess temperature temperature above admissible limit
temperature rise means difference to a lower base temperature
overtemperature means allowing exessive temperatures under abnormal conditions like stalled motor operation, air inlet blocked and short-circuit of live parts (UL 746C)

Reference: Own experience in this field of appliance safety testing according to Underwriters Laboratories Standards (UL) or VDE

Peer comment(s):

neutral Rowan Morrell : I think "temperature rise" can be ruled out. Temperature excursion I'm not sure about. Excess temperature might be OK, though I don't know that it's the same as "overtemperature".
2 mins
please refer to my added explainations. But all depends on the context.
agree gangels (X) : Brown Boveri Asea has "maximum temperature rise"
2 hrs
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