May 27, 2010 09:06
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

Einzugsbereich des dichten Liniennetzes

German to English Tech/Engineering Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Wer aus dem Einzugsbereich des dichten Liniennetzes anreisen möchte, sollte zugunsten der Sicherheit unbedingt auf den eigenen PKW verzichten und die Möglichkeit der zahlreichen Busse nutzen


TonyTK May 27, 2010:
Perhaps something like: "If you live in an area served by these frequent buses, please think of your own safety and the safety of others and leave your car at home."

I assume it's about drink driving.
TonyTK May 27, 2010:
Careful, everyone ... ... I think this needs a rewrite. It appears to be about "Sonderbusse" (if I've got the right website), and the German's less than helpful:

"Messe - Sonderverkehr „Komm gut Heim-Busse“
Sicher und bequem zum Welser Volksfest und auch wieder nach Hause bringen Sie die „Komm gut Heim-Busse“ der ÖBB. Mit diesen Bussen kommen Sie bequem und kostengünstig zur Festwiese und in den frühen Morgenstunden auch wieder retour. Wer aus dem Einzugsbereich des dichten Liniennetzes anreisen möchte, sollte zugunsten der Sicherheit unbedingt auf den eigenen Pkw verzichten und die Möglichkeit der zahlreichen Busse nutzen."

Proposed translations

56 mins

areas well served by public transport

From the tone of the German I think we are dealing with hints to the general public.

I would therefore suggest something like

Visitors from areas well served by public transport are advised ....

Peer comment(s):

agree Melanie Nassar
36 mins
agree Bernd Runge : Sounds much better than mine ...
1 hr
agree Melanie Meyer
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
20 mins

dense public transport network area

Wie in
London has a dense public transport network, and making transport accessible is increasingly accepted as a key aim of transport planning. Report (3).pd...
Peer comment(s):

agree Michael Harris
2 hrs
Thanks Michael. I was about to withdraw my proposal.
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34 mins

commuter belt of the dense public transport network

I was just missing the "Einzugsbereich" in Bernd's contribution.
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35 mins

operational area of the dense network

the area within which the transport facilities are accessible
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3 hrs

Take advantage of the close-knit network of public transport

I found almost this exact wording in several Google hits, mostly as part of English pages on German towns.
Either it's my browser settings or we have a colleague out there who has done lots of similar GE-EN translations.

All the same, I think it rings true.
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1 hr

from the local area, which is well served by public transport ...

I take it we're talking about visitors to an event or exhibition?

Any literal translation sounds forced and unnatural to me - I'd reword it along the lines of "Visitors from the local area, which is well served by public transport, are advised to leave the car at home and ..."


"Visitors from the local area, with its excellent public transport network, ...."

Note added at 3 hrs (2010-05-27 12:28:20 GMT)

Sorry, Paul - hadn't seen yours when I posted mine.
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23 mins

For travelling in the area covered by our excellent bus network

For travelling in the area covered by our excellent bus network, people are recommended not to use their own car, but to take one of the many busses instead.

Nur ein Vorschlag.

Note added at 3 Stunden (2010-05-27 12:29:03 GMT)

Korrektur: buses, not busses. Sorry for the mistake.
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