Glossary entry

Greek term or phrase:

δημοσίευση νομοθετήματος

English translation:

publication of the legislative act

Added to glossary by Emmanouil Tyrakis
Apr 7, 2005 08:34
19 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Greek term

δημοσίευση νομοθετήματος

Greek to English Law/Patents Law (general)
το άρθρο 1 του νόμου ΧΧΧ έχει ισχύ από την δημοσίευση του εν λόγω νομοθετήματος, δηλαδή από την 28-12-2004...

Proposed translations

8 mins
Greek term (edited): ��������� �������������

publication of the legislative act


Note added at 10 mins (2005-04-07 08:44:18 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree Evdoxia R. (X)
10 mins
agree Nadia-Anastasia Fahmi
2 hrs
neutral Elena Petelos : An Act that's passed by a legislative body is not neccessarily... a statute of law. / Εγώ δεν βλέπω κανένα καταστατικό, ορισμούς νομοθετημάτων σε όλες τις χώρες βλέπω στο δεύτερο σύνδεσμο που σου έδωσα. ¨)
2 hrs
Ναι αλλά και το καταστατικό που δίνεις δεν έχει καμία σχέση με το νομοθέτημα που ζητά η Μίνα.
agree sassa
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "ΜΟΥ ΤΑΙΡΙΑΖΕΙ ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΑ Η ΑΠΟΔΟΣΗ ΣΟΥ... Σε ποιά πόλη εισαι;"
8 mins
Greek term (edited): ��������� �������������

promulgation of statute

Promulgation of Statutes:

* *Statute (1): Establishment of Jacques Delors Professorship of European Community Law
* *Statute (2): Amalgamation of Heygate-Soper Prize Fund and Mike Soper Bursary Fund

Full title: Promulgation of the Statutes
Issuing Body/Bodies: House of Commons.Select Committee Appointed to Consider of the Most Effectual Means of Promulgating the Statutes of the United Kingdom...
Chairman/presented by: Abbot, Charles
Abstract: "Mr Abbot reported from the Select Committee, appointed to consider of the most effectual Means of promulgating the Statutes of the United Kingdom throughout all Parts of Great Britain and Ireland, and to report the same, with their Opinion thereupon, to the House; and to whom the Report which, upon the 5th Day of December 1796, was made from the Committee appointed to consider of the most effectual Means of promulgating the Statutes of the Realm, was referred;....

Note added at 5 hrs 48 mins (2005-04-07 14:22:20 GMT)

Promulgation, δημοσίευση στο ΦΕΚ (νόμου) // promulgation of a decree, δημοσίευση διατάγματος (legislative decree) (presidential decree) // promulgation of a law, δημοσίευση νόμου.

Promulgate, δημοσιεύω νόμο ή απόφαση στην εφημερίδα της κυβερνήσεως

¶ρθρο 7 Οι Επίσημες γλώσσες και η δημοσίευση των επισήμων
Article 7 The official languages and promulgation of official acts

Kαι Webster\'s Online που δίνει promulgation & publication ως συνώνυμα

Όσο για την καθαρογραφή:
11. That judgment was finalised (καθαρογραφή) on 16 May 1997 and the applicant company obtained a copy on 13 June 1997.

34. The applicants have claimed that the text of the decisions of the Council of State was �finalised� (καθαρογραφή) on 9 December 1996. However, the Government produced a certificate issued by the Registry of the Council of State on 17 May 2000, whereby it is attested that the relevant judgments were finalised on 25 June 1996, certified (θεώρηση) on 27 June 1996 and signed (υπογραφή) on 1st July 1996.

Aλλά και:

Preparation of a bill in its final and official form to show the precise language of the measure passed by both houses.

Engrossed Bills or Resolves
Bills and resolves which are before the House and the Senate for final action, having been certified by the clerk to be rightly and truly prepared for final passage.
(Eng.) After passage by both branches the Bill is passed to be engrossed. Engrossment is the procedure whereby the Bill is typed in simulated script on special paper in the Engrossing Division. The engrossed Bill is voted upon for enactment. (See also Enactment)

Currently there is legislation awaiting engrossment in both branches of the Legislature that would extend the time period within which victims can bring civil suits for childhood sexual abuse. Proposals to extend the time period during which criminal action could be brought, or to drop the time-limit entirely in rape cases, died in committee once again this session.

L.B. 939 was advanced from select file to enrollment and review for engrossment on February 5, 1998. On February 9, L.B. 939 was reported as “correctly engrossed” and placed on final reading. L.B. 939 was returned from final reading to select file for a specific amendment on March 4.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Elena Petelos : . Shall promulgate and publish /Μα Βίκυ μου δεν σχολιάζω την απάντησή σου, αλλά το δημοσιοποιώ που μου έβαλες σε προηγούμενο σχόλιο σου, όπως και εσύ αναλύεις το publish.
3 mins
Έλενα, λυπάμαι αλλά δεν βρίσκω πουθενά την καθαρογραφή ως "promulgation". Δες σχετικές προσθήκες μου.// Παράλληλα, δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί σχολιάζεις τη δική μου απάντηση στο χώρο της δικής σου. Δίνεις επιχειρήματα για τη δική σου άποψη κι αυτό είναι αρκετό
agree Nadia-Anastasia Fahmi
5 hrs
Ευχαριστώ, Νάντια!
Something went wrong...
3 mins
Greek term (edited): δημοσίευση νομοθε&#9

statute publication/published statute impact on the original published statute is difficult for those of us in
Opposition. ... In the UK I believe the exemption level is £5.6 million. ... Committees-29th-Dαil/scesb-debate/sesb41203.rtf

Note added at 5 mins (2005-04-07 08:40:02 GMT)

Ή με αλλαγή δομής.... \"from the date the statute was published...

Note added at 32 mins (2005-04-07 09:07:05 GMT)

Για τη σημείωση της Βίκυς:
external laws concerning party competition: does the law governing the processes ... party leaders should be free to promulgate and publish their views, ... Acrobat/Building%20political%20parties.pdf
Promulgate, publish, and impose rules and regulations concerning the uses to
which. such land and water areas may be put, including the regulation or ...
Verb 1. promulgate - state or announce; \"`I am not a Communist,\'\' \" he exclaimed;
... or tidings; to publish; as, to promulgate the secrets of a council. ...

Ναι μεν ανακοινώνω και \"μεταφορικά\" δημοσιεύω, αλλά στην Ελλάδα λέμε \"καθαρογραφή\" νομίζω.

Note added at 1 hr 3 mins (2005-04-07 09:38:00 GMT)

...and Greek Embassy in London:
the company and the Statutes must be published in the Government Gazette. ...

Note added at 2 hrs 45 mins (2005-04-07 11:20:08 GMT)

Για τη σημείωση του Μανώλη, is a statute....a statute? ;-)
Definition cgno:
means a written law - an Act of Parliament.
Statutes are \"primary authority law passed by the federal Parliament or by provincial legislatures. The legislatures my enact entirely new statutes during a legislation session, or they may amend existing statutes by adding new wording and/or repealing existing wording.\" The law library provides electronic and print access to the latest sets of revised federal and provincial statutes as well as annual statutes, bills and updating services.
Another word for an Act of Parliament or some other legislature.
Law passed by Parliament and approved by the King.
A law enacted by the legislative branch of a government – ie, Code of Iowa. Category: Administration
A particular law enacted and established by the will of the legislative department of government. Also used to designate written law as compared to unwritten law. To/court proceedings/

....and a few thousand more.

Note added at 2 hrs 54 mins (2005-04-07 11:29:04 GMT)

...και η Εurodicautom...
Subject Law - Legislation - Jurisprudence (JU)

Definition a law established by an act of the legislature

Reference Gloss.of Terms,Central Mortgage Associates Inc.,s.d.
TERM statute

Reference Gloss.of Terms,Central Mortgage Associates Inc.,s.d.

Note {GRM} n.

TERM νομοθέτημα

Reference ΟΜΑΔΑ-Γ.Κατσαράκης-ΕΛΕΤΟ (Ελληνική Εταιρεία Ορολογίας)

Note added at 3 hrs 4 mins (2005-04-07 11:38:44 GMT)

...και ένα \"καταστατικό\" (!) που καθιστά την Κύπρο ανεξάρτητη:
Section four of the Visiting Forces (British Commonwealth) Act 1933 (which deals with attachment and mutual powers of command) shall apply in relation to forces raised in the Republic of Cyprus as it applies in relation to forces raised in Dominions within the meaning of the Statute of Westminster 1931.

Note added at 4 hrs 2 mins (2005-04-07 12:37:04 GMT)

Δεν είμαι σίγουρη γιατί υπάρχει πρόβλημα μόνο με τον έναν σύνδεσμο που έδωσα στη Βίκυ και μέσα στην απάντηση μου για το publish. Δεν ξέρω γιατί ο Μανώλης πιστεύει ότι έχει την έννοια καταστατικού ΜΟΝΟ, το Statute, αλλά για άλλη μια φορά:

stat·ute (stăch\'ūt)
1. A law enacted by a legislature.
2. A decree or edict, as of a ruler.
3. An established law or rule, as of a corporation.
[Middle English, from Old French estatut, from Late Latin statūtum, from neuter of Latin statūtus, past participle of statuere, to set up, from status, position.]
Ελληνική (Greek)
n. θέσπισμα, νομοθέτημα, καταστατικό, καταστατικός κανόνας, (εσωτερικός) κανονισμός

Το legislative act, είναι η νομοθετική πράξη (Βουλή/νομοθετικό σώμα- an act of the Greek Parliament (or, of the Hellenes), που μπορεί να είναι νομοθέτημα, ή απλώς νομοσχέδιο (draft), χωρίς να παύει να είναι legislative act, αλλά χωρίς να αποτελεί statute, για αυτό και στο σχόλιο μου στο Μανώλη έδωσα ορισμούς και για τα δύο.

Note added at 6 hrs 31 mins (2005-04-07 15:05:24 GMT)

H καθαρογραφή δεν υπάρχει βέβαια σε κανένα λεξικό ¨-)))
Δεν είναι λοιπόν Βίκυ μου ότι δεν βρήκες την καθαρογραφή promulgation, απλώς δεν βρήκες απόδοση της \"καθαρογραφής\".... at all. :-)(Σου έδωσα τόσα links που αναφέρονται σε \"promulgate+publish\", τα οποία βέβαια, αναρωτιέμαι πως θα έπρεπε να μεταφραστούν.)
Υπάρχει ένας σύνδεσμος που το αποδίδει finalise και ο μεταφραστής αισθανόμενος ότι κάτι δεν πάει καθόλου καλά με την απόδοσή του, δίνει λοιπόν από δίπλα και το \"καθαρογραφή\". Το ίδιο συνέβει και εδώ
Cet arrêt fut mis au net (καθαρογραφή) le 16 mai 1997, et la sociιté requérante
en obtint copie le 13 juin 1997. EN DROIT ... bilan2000/documentation/judgments/requêtenº39442-98.htm

Peer comment(s):

agree Lamprini Kosma
42 mins
agree Ioanna Karamitsa
46 mins
neutral Emmanouil Tyrakis : Απλώς προσπαθώ να σου πω ότι στο σάιτ ο όρος Statutes έχει την έννοια του Καταστατικού και όχι του νομοθετήματος. Κουράστηκα... αφού δεν καταλαβαίνεις... NAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
2 hrs
Τα υπόλοιπα είναι και αυτά εταιρικά; ΄-))/Κατάλαβα και σου απάντησα. ΜΟΝΟ ο ένας σύνδεσμος σε απασχολεί; Αλλά μάλλον ναι. ¨-)) /;-)))))
agree Stavroula Giannopoulou
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
1405 days

publication of law ιnstitution, or of ''act of law''

Νομοθέτημα, συνίσταται στη διαδικασία θέσπισης νόμου, βάσει πολλάκις νομοθετήματος, πχ, νόμου πλαισίου κλπ
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