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May 6, 2013 02:02
11 yrs ago
Italian term


Italian to English Bus/Financial Accounting Abbreviations used in financial statements
I'm working on a partially pre-translated set of accounts from an Italian company. Under the heading "Oneri diversi di gestione" are the following two sub-headings:


The answer may be staring me in the face but I haven't spotted it yet - any thoughts regarding an expansion or translation for "II.TT.ES." in either Italian or English would be most welcome.

There is no other useful context that I can see.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 Imposte e tasse. Esenzione


Martin Purdy (asker) May 8, 2013:
In the end I ran with "imposte e tasse d'esercizio" as a result of my initial discussion with Shera Lyn, together with a note to the client for good measure. It turned out that there were other instances of "ES" (by itself) referring to "esercizio", which lends a bit more weight to this interpretation.
Thanks to all who contributed.
Linda Thody May 6, 2013:
I agree with Susanna I think Susanna's entry is highly plausible. You should post it Susanna!
Susanna Martoni May 6, 2013:
ES = Esenzione Imposte e tasse. Esenzione tassa rifiuti
Imposte e tasse. Esenzioni varie
Could be!
Shera Lyn Parpia May 6, 2013:
That must be it! good luck
Martin Purdy (asker) May 6, 2013:
Good thinking - "imposte e tasse d'esercizio", perhaps, since we're looking at accounts for the business year.
Shera Lyn Parpia May 6, 2013:
I am thinking thay maybe II/TT. means imposte e tasse - not sure about the ES bit - this would fit with rifiuti as it could be a garbage disposal tax.
Shera Lyn Parpia May 6, 2013:
what does this company do? does this look like an administrative charge such as taxes or charges for services?

Proposed translations

7 hrs

Imposte e tasse. Esenzione

Eccomi :-)

ES = Esenzione (Exemption)

Imposte e tasse. Esenzione tassa rifiuti
Imposte e tasse. Esenzioni varie

Peer comment(s):

agree Peter Cox : esercizio could also be correct
23 hrs
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7 hrs


I believe it stands for Imposte (II) e Tasse (TT) di Esercizio (ES), where esercizio is fiscal year (seems better than esenzione)
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Reference comments

1 hr

see page 5, second line after ART 6 for use of II.TT. clearly meaning imposte e tasse.
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