This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
May 29, 2011 16:00
13 yrs ago
Italian term

occhi pala

Italian to English Tech/Engineering Aerospace / Aviation / Space helicopter
The full sentence is a number - rigurdante il rivestimento dei longheroni, dagli occhi palla fino a cera alla STA 1400 e quindi non interessa la zona che risulta in prova.

Any ideeas what the occhi pala is: I would imagine some part of the rotor blade but what part?
Proposed translations (English)
3 blade eyes


Eileen Cartoon (asker) May 31, 2011:
holes Continuing on with the text, I think these occhi are the holes in the helicopter rotor blades used for the screws, securing them to the unit.
Eileen Cartoon (asker) May 29, 2011:
I didn't know it was handwritten when I accepted it. Actually it's not all handwritten but there are some forms with some handwritten inserts.
EleoE May 29, 2011:
I never accept hand written texts. :)
However, it is also written in a very bad way.
Anyway, occhi pala should be the center of the rotor.
Eileen Cartoon (asker) May 29, 2011:
BTW A lot is actually hand written into forms.
Eileen Cartoon (asker) May 29, 2011:
don't think so The company is an Italian company. It is just a report on stress testing of helicopter parts and they use so many abbreviations and their own in-house slang. Thanks anyway
EleoE May 29, 2011:
I'm wondering... is this an already translated text?

Proposed translations

1 hr

blade eyes

Just an attempt
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