Jun 12, 2003 22:00
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term


Non-PRO Italian to English Bus/Financial
Totale Fr vs Totale Rp
Proposed translations (English)
3 +3 Franken und Rappen / Swiss Francs and Cents

Proposed translations

18 mins

Franken und Rappen / Swiss Francs and Cents

seems to me that you are talking here of the Swiss currency i.e.
Fr = Franken and
Rp = Rappen

The first version above is given in German, the second would be the equivalent in English
Peer comment(s):

agree Marie Scarano : probably - not much context though
8 hrs
agree Emanuela Corbetta (X) : anche a me sembra che sia questo il significato, ma è vero che il contesto è carente
9 hrs
agree Сергей Лузан : Surely! Best wishes!
3 days 15 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "sorry for the lack of context. It is a Swiss document though so I think you must be right. Thanks to everyone."
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