Feb 16, 2011 13:24
14 yrs ago
21 viewers *
Italian term

creditori prededucibili

Italian to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
From a proposal of composition:
" L'assunzione del concordato con creditori comporta la liberazione delle societa' debitrici originarie sia dall'obblico di pagamento dei creditori privilegiati e prededucibili, sia dall'obbligo di pagamento dei crediti chirografari..."

Proposed translations

1 hr

creditors for pre-deductible debts

....creditors for preferential claims and pre-deductible debts

Note added at 1 hr (2011-02-16 15:19:55 GMT)

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
3 mins

creditors for costs incurred in the bankruptcy proceedings

I'm not sure this class of creditors has a specific name.

See following definition: • Definizione : sono crediti dichiarati tali dalla legge cfr. art. 104, penultimo comma LF) ; oppure crediti della procedura ( cosiddetti debiti di massa) , cioè sorti in occasione od in funzione delle procedure concorsuali ( e così anche del concordato preventivo che abbia eventualmente preceduto il fallimento) ( art. 111 ultimo comma LF)
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1 hr

super preferential status creditors

see link below

Note added at 1 hr (2011-02-16 14:28:29 GMT)

"Employee’s PRSI that has or should
have been deducted is classed as
Super Preferential and may rank
ahead of other preferential creditors."

http://www.cpaireland.ie/UserFiles/File/Technical Resources/...
Peer comment(s):

agree Irene (Renata) Liapis
3781 days
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