Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

a bilico

English translation:


Added to glossary by Peter Cox
May 26, 2005 09:17
19 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Italian term

a bilico

Italian to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering
Description of an electrical system:

I conduttori sono previsti a bilico con portata di almeno 6A.
Proposed translations (English)
1 balanced, unstable, borderline

Discussion May 26, 2005:
Have since asked the client who didn't know either but thought it might refer to magnetothermic protection. Thank you both very much for your answers but I think it's destined to remain a mystery!
Derek Smith May 26, 2005:
... and unbalanced" - it's kind of poised between two stable conditions. In my dreams the sockets could have a flip-up door, or even dual pole spacing to make them compatible with different plug types. I think you'll have to add a note!
Derek Smith May 26, 2005:
Hi again
Well, fairly unwise as usual. My feeling is that the author intended the sentence to refer to the power sockets rather than the cables. This would give more scope for second guessing the meaning of "bilico", oddly, both "balanced" and "unbalance May 26, 2005:
Hi Derek, I've certainly seen texts that were better written than this one. However, the first bit of the paragraph is:
Colonne montanti e circuiti di distribuzione luce F.M. adeguati per una utilizzazione dei locali ad uso uffici.
I cavi impiegati sono del tipo per tensione di esercizio.
Per la distribuzione sono previste tubazioni e passerelle metalliche a controsoffitto.
I conduttori sono previsti sfilabili. Le prese di corrente sono alimentate con due conduttori oltre quello di terra.
I conduttori sono previsti a bilico con portata di almeno 6A.
Any the wiser??
Derek Smith May 26, 2005:
Hi Claire
I'd love to help out but I'm flummoxed. Do you have any more relevant context? Power seems fairly low - what's the application? Is the text well-written or is it a bit erm "idiomatic"?

Proposed translations

1 hr

balanced, unstable, borderline

Hoepli gives these conflicting definitions!
Peer comment(s):

neutral esoft : may be it was a typo for "unbalanced"
1 hr
Something went wrong...
2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Peter for the definition, but they never did get back to me on this one. "
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