Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

decorso aziendale

English translation:

company layout/floor plan/structure

Added to glossary by Rosanna Palermo
Nov 22, 2006 18:30
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term

decorso aziendale

Italian to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering estimate for prefabricated building
"edificio incluso installazioni, incluso impianto ventilazione, inclusa progettazione **del decorso aziendale**

Thank you
Proposed translations (English)
4 company layout/floor plan/structure


Rosanna Palermo Nov 27, 2006:
You're welcome Judy..thank you!
JudyK (asker) Nov 23, 2006:
Thanks to all for your comments. I will mention to the client the possibility/likelihood of this being a typo.
James (Jim) Davis Nov 23, 2006:
After some sleep, Yes you're right it could be decor Lara.
Lara Hill-Gentile (X) Nov 23, 2006:
Going back to my far stretch, the reason I suggested "decoro", even though it normally means something similar to "decorum" is because my dictionary also gives it as meaning "decorazione; ornamento; bellezza"...
Caterina Passari Nov 22, 2006:
Are you sure is not "decoro" cause in Italian "decorso aziendale" has another meaning that has nothing to do with your context! Bye
James (Jim) Davis Nov 22, 2006:
I am as stumped as Lara on this, but "decoro aziendale" is decorum not decor.
Lara Hill-Gentile (X) Nov 22, 2006:
This is a far stretch, I know, but given the context, do you think it's posible this is a typo and they actually mean "decoro", as in furnishings or decor or something? Just an idea!

Proposed translations

4 days

company layout/floor plan/structure

decorso can be interpreted as percorso (path, course)
This means they will install throughout the floor plan/layout all of the above.
Note that decorso is usually used in medical to indicate the progress of a patient.
In this case it was applied to the "progress" of the company floor plan
Translations of "course" from include "decorso"

Principal Translations/Traduzioni principali:
course (class) nm corso (serie di lezioni)
course adj piatto (portata)
course (series of events) nm corso (eventi)
course (track) nm percorso (direzione, corso)
course (progress) nm progresso
course nm decorso (med., path)
course nm iter (corso)
course (Nautical) nf rotta

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