Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

a fonica indipendente

English translation:

two independent phonic lines/channels

Added to glossary by Oliver Lawrence
Nov 13, 2009 09:22
15 yrs ago
Italian term

a fonica indipendente

Italian to English Tech/Engineering Engineering (general)
"Fornitura e posa in opera di interfaccia che consente di derivare da una montante analogico, 8 fili, Tersystem audio e Videoporter 2000 un impianto videocitofonico 2 fili d'appartamento con videocontrollo locale, diffusione sonora e controllo delle applicazioni My Home.
Fornitura e posa in opera di interfaccia che consente di raddoppiare la distanza tra posto esterno e posto interno e di creare montanti ***a fonica indipendente***."
TIA :)
Proposed translations (English)
3 two independent phonic lines/channels

Proposed translations

28 mins

two independent phonic lines/channels

I think this is the general jist but I do not like the term Phonic. If it is a citafono it would be two independent voice channels but I will leave this up to you
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