Nov 1, 2006 17:05
18 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Italian term

allegare e offrire di provare

Italian to English Law/Patents Law (general) lawyer's report
Is there an official legal term for this phrase? Many thanks (2 examples in context below)

Attrice non solo non ha provato, ma nemmeno ha allegato o offerto di provare l’esistenza di un danno

è ora decaduta dalla possibilità di allegare ed offire di provare alcunchè su questo punto

Proposed translations

8 mins

attached (documents) and offered to prove

Allegare, can only mean attach a document presumably to a claim form. It would seem that the documents should have been attached to prove the claim which weren't and this is taken for granted in the sentence, but without more context.... Which courts?
Attrice non solo non ha provato, ma nemmeno ha allegato o offerto di provare l’esistenza di un danno.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much, James - seems an ungrammatical way of putting it but the concept makes sense."
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