Apr 13, 2011 09:18
13 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Italian term

copia conforme dei suestesi

Italian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
I am translating for an English court a report of service (relata di notifica) and I found this expression is just a copy conform?

Proposed translations

59 mins

certified copy of the above

a "copia conforme" is a certified copy.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you. Given the context I chose this answer."
1 min

true copy of the above

true copy of the above
Peer comment(s):

agree James (Jim) Davis : I'll have to move to New York next door to the proz servers to beat you to these!
1 min
Or Scotland, which is close enough! Alternatively you could just ask Telecom to install decent fibre optic cables
agree Vincenzo Di Maso
2 mins
agree Adele Fenstermacher : Some courts will certify copies of the original order. Then they would be called "court certified copies".
46 mins
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