Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

a qualsiasi titolo

English translation:

for any reason

Added to glossary by Amy Taylor
Jan 2, 2001 04:05
24 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Law/Patents
Nessun indennizzo spetta al gestore in consequenza della anticipata cessazione a qualsiasi titolo della Concessione.

Do they mean titolo in the sense of entitlement, or in the sense of section of the concession agreement? The preposition 'a' has confused me. Help!
Proposed translations (English)
0 for any reason

Proposed translations

31 mins

for any reason

\"a qualsiasi titolo\" simply means \"for any reason\".
One of the meaning of \"titolo\" is \"causa, motivo\" (see Zingarelli, Devoto Oli).
In this context, \"a qualsiasi titolo\" should be between commas, i.e.
\"Nessun indennizzo spetta al gestore in consequenza della anticipata cessazione, a qualsiasi titolo, della Concessione.\"

Peer comment(s):

Peter Cox
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much. Funny how a few commas really clears things up. Much appreciated!"
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