Jun 9, 2003 10:43
21 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Italian term

Servizio militare assolto

Non-PRO Italian to English Other
In un curriculum vitae

Proposed translations

5 mins

military service completed

I think it means he has performed his military duty
Peer comment(s):

agree Rowan Morrell : That seems more likely. Or "Completed military service" - sounds slightly better in a CV context to my ears.
2 mins
thanks Rowan - I don't think he would state the fact that he's been absolved from military duty on his on his cv as it has negative connotations
agree Lanna Castellano
5 mins
agree Сергей Лузан
6 hrs
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3 mins

Military service absolved

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12 mins


"Exonerated from military service" sounds a bit more "fancy" and would look good on a CV.

Your choice.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Restituta Castiello : I guss exonerated means he never performed the military duty because of some reason
2 mins
Oxford: exonerate 2; release/to be released from (a duty or obligation). It is another meaning for the word. It is usually used as a synonym for "absolve", but not always. Look it up if you don't believe me.
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23 mins

completed his Military Service...

...the actual translation of 'assolvere' includes exonerate, relieve, release and discharge which all suggest that it was not actually done (the military Service)or that it was not completed - this is why I would use the above.
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