Feb 16, 2002 11:34
23 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Italian term

Acqua per p.i. q.b.a.

Italian to English Science chemistry/pharmacy
Un elemento componente la formula di fabbricazione di un prodotto farmaceutico.
Proposed translations (English)
2 +1 water for infusion: qs

Proposed translations

1 hr

water for infusion: qs

I think that the "per" is redundant (type of redundancy which happens often when the source of abbreviations are forgotten), as p.i. should stand for "per infusioni"; q.b.a. probably is "quanto basta a" = "as much as will suffice for" which in english (and many other languages is abbreviated qs = latin "quantum satis" (or "qs for ..." , if a quantity (volume) follows directly).
Peer comment(s):

agree Bilingualduo : yes, qba should be followed by an indication such as 100l
29 mins
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Grazie, ma ho trovato la risposta: p.i. = preparati iniettab"
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