Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

bolla ...con approssimazione di qualche primo

English translation:

vials designed for vertical mounting ....

Added to glossary by Massimo Gaido
Jul 24, 2002 12:59
22 yrs ago
Italian term

bolla ...con approssimazione di qualche primo

Non-PRO Italian to English Tech/Engineering
bolla che ne permetta la posa verticale con l'approssimazione di qualche primo

Discussion (asker) Jul 24, 2002:
contesto Scusa, ho visto la tua mail adesso, ecco:
Livellazione di precisione/tecnica:
Le coppie di stadie dovranno avere graduazione centimetrata o mezzocentimetrata su nastro di acciaio sottoposto a tensione costante, lunghezza in un sol pezzo, bolla che ne permetta la posa verticale con l'approssimazione di qualche primo, puntale d'appoggio su capisaldi sferici, piastra trasportabile per battute intermedie di peso e stabilit� sufficiente, stato di rettifica e taratura documentato
Massimo Gaido Jul 24, 2002:
potresti inserire altro contesto?

Proposed translations

3 hrs

vials designed for vertical mounting ....

Se per primo si intende grado......potresti tradurlo con "degree", ovviamente.
Aproximation, accuracy......

Acrylic Block Vials - standard vertical
High precision, block vials designed for vertical mounting. Setting rings visible
through a full 360 degrees. Sensitivity 30 arc minutes.
Peer comment(s):

agree gmel117608
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie!"
4 hrs

[mean] deviation of the vertical

I am not very sure about the Italian phrase but it refers to the deviation of the vertical (la parte che non capisco e se questa bolla accetta o determina - entrambe situazioni mi sembrano plausibili). So, it could be which allows the determination of the
deviation of the vertical or allows a mean+/_ standard derivation of the vertical. I give you examples:

This showed that the Swiss geoidal model, which allows the determination of the deviation of the vertical at any point in the country, leads to very good results which conform to the requirements laid down for AlpTransit.

the number and percentage of events as well the mean +/- standard deviation of the vertical parameter for events that are within the specified time-gates

The value sy.x is the standard deviation of the vertical distances of the points from the line. Since the distances of the points from the line are called residuals, sy.x is the standard deviation of the residuals. Its value is expressed in the same units as Y. Some programs call this quantity s.e

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20 hrs

..whose max. vertical error is some degrees

..few degrees
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