Oct 26, 2006 16:11
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Latin term

ob summum in mora periculum

Latin to English Art/Literary History Kings and subjects
I never learnt Latin. It occurs in the following sentence:

Sie baten, an das königliche Oberforstamt Lichtenberg sowohl als an das Amt Lauenstein „ob summum in mora periculum die baldigsten allerhöchsten Befehle zu erteilen,...
Change log

Oct 26, 2006 16:18: Edith Kelly changed "Language pair" from "German to English" to "Latin to English"

Oct 26, 2006 16:46: Astrid Elke Witte changed "Language pair" from "Latin to English" to "Latin to German"

Oct 29, 2006 13:14: Steffen Walter changed "Language pair" from "Latin to German" to "Latin to English"


Astrid Elke Witte (asker) Oct 26, 2006:
Answers welcome in English or German Wow! Those are two similar answers! Can I split the Kudoz points? Just to clarify, answers are welcome in either English or German.
Astrid Elke Witte (asker) Oct 26, 2006:
Thanks, Volkmar! Maybe you could transfer your suggestion into an answer below, otherwise it will be difficult with the Kudoz points. The answer is fine in German; I just didn't have a clue what the Latin meant.
BrigitteHilgner Oct 26, 2006:
Mehr Kontext würde wahrscheinlich helfen, aber grundsätzlich kann ich Volkmar nur zu seiner ausgezeichneten lateinischen Raterei gratulieren!
LegalTrans D Oct 26, 2006:
Auf Deutsch sollte das wohl "wegen höchster Gefahr für die Sitten" sein...aber das ist auch eher geraten.

Proposed translations

47 mins

because of (imminent) danger in delay

literally: because of (imminent) danger in delay

Ob: because

summum periculum: the highest danger = imminent danger

mora: delay

Mora has nothing to do with "Sitten"

Peer comment(s):

agree Ingeborg Gowans (X) : checked on site with latin phrases and my somewhat fuzzy memory of my latin teacher, o tempora o mores
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to both answerers! I give the points to the answer that came in one minute earlier."
48 mins

wegen/angesichts hoechster Gefahr/Gefaehrdung

mora, ae f. - Verzug, auch von Zahlungen
periculum, i n. - auch Verfahren (Gericht), Versuch, Test.

Man braucht den Zusammenhang
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